I'm almost 31 weeks pregnant for the last two days I've been nesting and having severe hardening of my stomach my stomach and back have both been in pain I'm not sure what to do as this is my first born child please help and let me know whats going on because it feels like her head is in the birthing canal
Stomach and back pain confusion - Pregnancy and Par...
Stomach and back pain confusion

Give your midwife a call. It could be braxton hicks but you are better calling in incase it's labour.
Sounds like Brixton hicks had them with my second and I was in a lot of distress as I never had them the first time round. Call your midwife but if they are Brampton hicks it is just your body practising for the big even! Good luck!
Could it be you've over exerted over self whilst cleaning too? I've been going a bit Hoover crazy and my back is feeling to consequences. Take it easy there's no hurry with cleaning, sit down have a cup of tea. Braxton hicks are also common at this stage. They are like practice contractions but should settle and not get increasing painful/frequent. If you're still unsure give mw a call
I haven't been cleaning at all this is day 3 and it got worse today I've been feeling sick and having hot and cold flashes
I'm at the hospital now getting checked out
I felt like you at 33 weeks. I'm now 36 weeks and realised it was not baby pushing into birth canal but varicose veins in my vulva and vagina
If you have vein problems in your legs, they may also be present in your private bits! See your Dr or midwife for advice x
Please go to the hospital or call your midwife ASAP! Sounds serious