So my 5 month old is thrashing constantly like she is excited all the time during the day not at night not sure if it is excitement or not and she also screams haha, literally all the time not crying screaming more of ohh look I've found my own voice but nothing stops it is this just a phase?
5 month old: So my 5 month old is... - Pregnancy and Par...
5 month old
At 5 months she would have just gone trough the 4th leap in her development(check out the wonder weeks app). I would think she is just probably using all the skills she's learned, discovering new things and seeing world in a different way. I think she is just finding it all very exciting witch may explain her behaviour. My baby is 5 months today and seems a lot more excited and aware of what's going on around her. X
It could be but even when playing with her the screaming doesn't stop t sounds like she's not getting what she wants even when she is if you get me Myne she just likes the sound her her own voice too much xx
This is my first baby but so far it has been my experience that just about everything is a phase and in the end the baby moves onto something else after a while. That may be the case with your baby to. I think that you will see more and more of your baby's personality coming through as she grows. After all she is just human🙂
If she is not in distress and overall happy I wouldn't worry. X