Hi guys m 4 weeks now nd have this sharp pains its like period pains nd even in my stomach they very painful...is it normal?
Sharp pains like period pains - Pregnancy and Par...
Sharp pains like period pains

I had this and was worried something was wrong. I wasn't in agony and had no bleeding so the doctor advised that it is just your muscles stretching and that it can continue on and off during the pregnancy as your womb expands
I had this also, felt like period style cramps which is a little disconcerting, however it was just muscles stretching. As you grow bigger ligaments will stretch and pull around the pelvic area too ... it's lots of fun
Ey it worties me bcoz on my 1st pregnancy i never had this kind of things,m scared dat i might loose my bby
It will be your uterus expanding it will hurt, it feels uncomfortable but as long as your not bleeding don't be alarmed, if you are worried speak to a midwife or gp or epu if you can't speak to midwife or gp xxxx
Wats this epu?