I was just after some advice on using a TENS machine during labour... My midwife has suggested it might be useful for the early stages so I've been looking into them. It seems silly hiring one when they're around the same price to buy but when my husband went to purchase the Lloyds one, the woman told him it was pointless for labour as it wasn't strong enough! The strength of them do vary between brands but I have been informed they work better in the early stages when it's more backache (as this is where the pads are placed) so is a stronger one really necessary? Also, the Lloyds one is only £15 so not a waste of money if it doesn't really help compared to £40+ for a stronger one... Just curious what people's experiences are with them, particularly if anyone has used the Lloyds one and found it any good? Thanks.
TENS machines in labour...: I was just... - Pregnancy and Par...
TENS machines in labour...

Hiya, I used a boots one. To be honest they don't really help that much but I did find it gave me a distraction. I think fiddling with the machine and feeling it come on took my mind off the contraction for a second. I did use it on the highest setting each time ☺️ It certainly didn't do any harm so I'd say go for it. Good luck x
It's really not worth it, they don't really do anything! It's like something tickling your back and quite honestly is a bit annoying!!😐😆
I bought one off amazon 20 pounds went all the way through my labour with just that and cocodanol, I will tell you labour does not start out as period pains or backache but it's not as bad as you think I would recommend the one I used I typed in Tens machine and it was blue and white with 4 pads on it can't remember the name of it but helped me so much
I suppose it depends on each person. For some it helps for some not. Also it depends on the pain threshold. Friend of mine gave birth to her 10lb boy on paracetamol only and said that it was not that bad...
I received a letter that I can rent one from my hospital from week 34+ but I can't be bothered, as I am type of person who probably would get annoyed by a mashine stuck to me. 😂 Wish you an easy labour! 🙏
I Didn't find the tens machine helpful, It made my contractions worse lol it only helped as they were fading off in early labour. Once I was in established labour. It was no use at all.
I rented one from the midwife. not sure it helped much. When I got to hospital at around 6cm dilation it really did nothing, just made my back numb. Don't think I'll bother second time round.
Also beware if you want a water birth you can't use it.
I didn't find one helped but I was put on an induction drip which makes contractions much stronger anyway. Back pains were immense for me and it was all in my back. What's works for you may not for others though so it's worth a try x
I've not yet had a baby but miscarried. I bought the Boots pregnancy TENS machine and found it helped with back pain and reduced the need for painkillers.