Hi! I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first. Just joined this page. I just know one thing for now, pregnancy is not easy!
Hi! Just joined : Hi! I am 15 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi! Just joined

Hiya and first of all congratulations!
I am nearly 19 weeks pregnant and I agree with you pregnancy really is NOT easy! I have had real bad nausea from week 7 and still have it now! What are you struggling with? x
I was throwing up a lot last 2 weeks. Now it's just nausea and really bad heartburn. I had zero appetite. But now a bit better . After 5 pm I am just trying to keep everything down. And also I don't know why but I can't seem to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I don't have a big bump but for some reason I am just uncomfortable . I wake up as if woken up by a bad dream full heart racing and unable to catch breath. Also I had a bit of antenatal depression. But thank God it went away.
So your scan must be soon about to find out what you having?
I feel your pain with the sickness and nausea! I am still wearing my sickness bands daily!
I have been the same with sleeping. I have been having really vivid dreams too that feel SO real!
I am a suffer of anxiety and I am on a anti depressant tablet and have been for years so I know where your coming from with the depression. I was really bad in the beginning as feeling so tired and sick constantly made me feel so low! I still have my low days and days where I overly worry about everything but they are getting few and far between!
My scan is next week but we've decided to keep what we are having a secret x
Depression is the worst. I stopped talking to my closest friends. R I felt I just needed a time off from people. I know it might sound crazy but people always have something to say and sometimes it gets on my nerves.
I am more in control now. Getting bit of energy back. So trying to get stuff done at home and keep myself busy.
My scan is after a month. anxious to find out. I haven't shopped anything at all yet. Will do after a month or later.
Hope you get perfect and soon have a great second trimester ! ❤
Hi l m 15 weeks aswell, my first pregnancy after a miscarriage l feel your pain, l never thought will be so hard though...xxx
Let's all hope for the enjoyable second trimester .. so far it doesn't seem like happening. But I haven't thrown up in 6 days. So it's getting better. But I started getting lower back pain. Another thing to add on people keep telling me it will get better. So I am still waiting for that 😬
I'm 24 weeks with my second. It's difficult to see 'the wood for the trees' but all first time mums, enjoy your rest time as much as possible. You don't get it in subsequent pregnancies and the symptoms change each time. Hopefully you will break into a more settled 2nd trimester and get more time to enjoy it. You will miss pregnancy a bit when baby arrives. BTW Hypnobirthing is a great way to help focus your mindset but get started as soon as you can with it.