So today I seen the doctor, blood pressure was normal urine normal. She said I looked tired, I am cos heartburn has returned and getting comfy at night is a pain.
Each time I get scanned as its routine and last week there was a clear black outline around baby my amniotic fluid(waters) and today no black at all she said they had dramatically reduced and asked if I felt they had broken. I think I would know really if they had. I've not had a show either Toni Braxton's have been on and off for over a week now getting more intense. Baby has reduced movements buts till getting +10 a day. Heartbeat was 125 which I thought was low.
My next appointment is Tuesday morning for a sweep but she seems to think I may deliver anytime now. I feel the same I'm ready and last night I said to hubby I feel its imminent.
So should I be concerned by the fluid? The low heart rate?