29 weeks and went for routine bloods and urine at midwife, was measured apparently baby has static growth at 26 plus 6 i was measuring 30cm and now still measuring 30 cms refered for a scan on 13th december in 2 weeks dont know wether to be worried or not any help?
29 weeks today : 29 weeks and went for... - Pregnancy and Par...
29 weeks today
I think it very difficult to tell just from feeling baby. My friend kept on having scan after scan for small baby... Turned out baby was born over 8pounds!! Not small at all. So try not worry too much these things aren't always exact but of course it's good to have it followed up
I know I shouldn't worry my midwife just doesn't really put my mind at ease I said what does it mean she just said oh we'll keep an eye on you, alsochecked for heartbeat but kept hearing the placeta when we found it she said it's faint but it's there, the practise nurse wasn't happy with it so kept trying till we found strong beat I just don't think they cared much tbh
happened to me with my eldest, he hid ! When I lay down he tucked away and measures the same for a couple of weeks I stood up and no doubt where he was lol so I went for a growth scan just to check was told he might be a bit small like 5lb but he came out a lovely 7lb 2oz - my second measured 'normal' and came out 9lb 13oz ! (I was the same size with both - huge! )
i suppose its nothing too bad to worry about then, they just make you worry, i only look big becuase im 4ft 11 lmao i think thats probably why and i know baby has changed position because kicks feel less intense than usual like he/ she has rolled around lol

I dont think you need to worry at all. With me it was the opposite they said i would have a very big baby most likely around 11 pounds and he was just 6,5 haha
When you feel him kick and move around in there you must know there is a strong heartbeat or else he would be still
They get it wrong all the time
Try to enjoy your pregnancy youll miss it one day!
Quick update, since my appointment I have had bleeding, lost a big peice of bloody mucus and having pain in lower abdo, bleeding stopoed about 1030 ish last night not had any since but slight cramping and pain still present currently in hospital been here lol night they said it looks like bleeding came from irritation in vaginal canal but midwife on ward says it sounds and looks like a bloody show
This must be very stressful for you. So it's time to think "what can I do to help?" The answer is: rest and relax, keep hydrated and fed well, and be confident that you are in good hands... and at the same time ask lots of questions so you know and understand what's going on. If midwife doesn't seem to be able to have an answer for you ask to talk to the supervisor of midwives or the doctor on duty to run you through the options. I hope you have had a peaceful night. Thinking of you. I'm an NCT ANT by the way.
Was discharged this afternoon there no change in my cervix and no distress to baby they said they are not concerned unless I start having contractions or pain doesn't ease off which is a bit hit and miss at the moment, hopefully will keep this bun on the oven a bit longer, got my growth scan on Dec 13th as I am measuring larger than I should be but baby hasnt grown in 2 weeks but other than that no further action required