Hi everyone, I nearly 12 weeks pregnant but before I got pregnant I had cyst on my ovaries which caused me pain and I'm in constant pain now, not sure if it sti the cyst or baby... Would you go to the midwife/gp ? Many thanks Hannah
Just under 12 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Just under 12 weeks pregnant

see your midwife to be on a safe side, hope all goes well for you 😊
I agree, see your midwife or GP to get checked out xx
Not to seem harsh, but see if there is any concern she your midwife or GP as no one on the Internet can diagnose problems with yourself and baby. if you are concerned enough to write a post her then you should get checked out!
No harsh at all, I just wanted to see what people would do its just because I was in constant pain before getting pregnant I have it in my head that it's just the same problem.
I've been feeling a lot of pains and my blobs got bigger light headache and back pains. Can someone tell me if that ever happens to them it's like that for two weeks
Yes, it seems pretty dangerous to me and I think you'd better consult with your midwife. There's still a high possibility of a miscarriage in the 12th week of pregnancy, after all: motherhow.com/12-weeks-preg...