Hi I had a gender scan done at 16 weeks I was told I was having a girl not given a percentage just she wouldn't say girl if she wasn't sure. I already have 3 girls and the potty shot I was given looks nothing like they did. I asked if she would go between baby's legs and she just pointed out a little buldge in bum area because baby's legs were crossed. I feel different then I did with my other girls and I'm not 100% convinced she is a girl. Has anyone been told wrong gender at 16 weeks. I have googled fork looking potty shots and have came across both girl and boys that look like mine.
Not convinced by gender scan at 16 we... - Pregnancy and Par...
Not convinced by gender scan at 16 weeks...

They should know better at your 20 week anatomy scan so I would just wait til then, particularly of the baby had legs crossed. I'm carrying twins and at 16 weeks, we could see a boy because he spread his legs but the other little minx wasn't in the right position. I had a scan at 18 weeks and that doctor saw a girl but couldn't make out the other. By process of elimination we think it's girl and boy but won't be sure until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks.
I'd say hold off on painting the nursery pink until your next scan!
Legs weren't crossed on potty shot just really close together and when I asked her to go between legs baby's legs were crossed so just seen a little lump. She just wouldn't give me a percentage just said she wouldn't say girl if she wasn't sure. I have shared on other sites and everyone is saying defenitly girl but I'm not sure because I have seen both boy and girl 16 week potty shots that look like mine. Looks nothing like my other 3 girls.
Congratulations on ur twins I would love twins
Thanks - they are IVF twins!
At my scans, they didn't give a percentage chance of boy vs girl, they just stated what they saw on screen. The boy was clearly a boy, I could even see that.
I guess just wait for a second opinion at your next scan. I have heard quite a few stories where people have got it wrong at the scans and it can make it difficult to bond if you expect a girl and then get a boy.
To be honest I'm struggling to bond at min because I'm not 100% she is girl so I'm even struggling to buy her things because I feel like it's wrong. I will be much better once it's confirmed at 20 weeks. I feel different look different and scan pics look different to my other girls. 3 more weeks and I will have conformation she is a girl (hopefully they can tell me)
Aw, don't worry, they should be able to tell you at next scan and you can bond better then. I'm not buying anything for my babies until after 20 weeks but I've had miscarriages in the past so I'm extra cautious. Plenty googling but not much buying! We did pick out a paint colour and some nursery furniture, pram, etc but only put down a deposit so far. I'm waiting until closer to 24 weeks before getting the essentials like babygros, bedding, etc. Even then I think I'd keep it all neutral colours.
I've been going to pregnancy yoga - this actually really helps to bond as she gets you to visualise your babies during some of the exercises. We also gave the embryos nicknames from the start that have stuck.
I wouldn't comment on an ultrasound scan unless you are trained to do them! Also ultrasound is best interpreted during the scan rather than static pictures. Why not wait till your next scans to start buying stuff. They'll be plenty of time left!
Can u both see scan picture?? On all other websites people have commented and said 100% girl but I'm not sure looks nothing like my girls did. Once I am told by sonographer at 20 weeks I will be happier. Don't get me wrong it was lovely seeing my baby in 3d just wish I was more convinced by sonographer. Even if she had of said 80% but she just said i wouldn't say girl if I wasn't sure not to convincing. Thank you to you both u have been very understand
Was it a girl after all? My ultrasound photo looks the same and i was told girl initially and then told boy and then back to girl so I'm so confused but my 16 week scan of twin 2 looks exactly like yours does.
My mum was convinced I was a boy as she carried me completely different to my sister. I would wait for the 20 week scan. They can tell you better. We had a scan at 16 weeks privately for a gender scan and could tell obviously that he was a boy but each pregnancy is different xx
Just realised this was 2 years ago 😂 xx