We had our gender reveal scan at 17 weeks but I just wonder how reliable it is?? I’m scared to announce incase it’s not accurate! Any stories of gender reveal scans gone wrong? X
Gender reveal scan at 17 wks - how ac... - Pregnancy and Par...
Gender reveal scan at 17 wks - how accurate?

Iv had 3 gender scans one im currently pregnant with and 2 at 16 weeks both were accurate they say 99% but don't like to say 100 as small chance could be wrong. X
Hey! I had my gender reveal scan at 17 weeks and was spot on. The sonographer couldn’t miss the dangly thing between his legs 🤣🙈 I hope all goes well and congratulations!! Xx
I had one at 16 weeks and even if i wanted to do a gender reveal I couldn’t miss his like bits as soon as the sonogramer put the probe on me he was there with his legs wide open 😅😂
I think it really depends... my cousin had a baby the were assured was a girl the whole pregnancy and it came out a boy! Ooops! I got a 3rd scan done privately at 24 weeks for extra assurance after that. Also we asked for non gendered things just generally do it wouldn’t be a big deal if it was wrong if you are concerned. But like most people said I think if they get a good view it’s mostly right.
I had one 16+5w very obviously a boy
I had the private gender scan just before Christmas at 17 weeks and they said definitely a girl . Now I’m almost 22 weeks and have done my anomaly scan with the hospital and they also said it’s a girl. So I believe most of them are accurate. Congrats x
I agree, I think if they have a good view then they are pretty accurate, I had a private scan at 16 weeks, it was just a health and well-being check but they also advised I was having a girl, then my scan at 20 weeks and they said girl also, well she is 13 weeks now so they were right!
I had a scan at 19 weeks they told me 99.9% girl. At 42 weeks I gave birth to a wonderful boy which I dress in pink 🤣🤦♀️. My second turn out to be a girl as they say at scan I dress her in white ( I didn’t take a chance) . So my advice is take neutral clothes as well ( just in case) .
They can usually tell quite easily if it's a boy and can't get it wrong I had a private and normal scan both said I'm having a girl