Hi all, little one is 7 weeks now and doing well, but the last three days has been feeding every 45 mins, anyone else had this? i,m breastfeeding
Feeding all the time: Hi all, little... - Pregnancy and Par...
Feeding all the time

This sounds very much like the growth spurt they have at about 6 weeks. Just go with it and feed on demand still I'm sure it will settle down soon. Though there are more growth spurts at different ages
My daughter went through lots of phases like this - growth spurts i think - until she was about 3 or 4 months, in hindsight I think a lot of it was feeding for comfort because she was in pain with wind and things. Trouble was that because she was feeding so much, I was making lots of the thinner milk, which was making her gassy and worse! how are his/her poos at the moment (colour/frequency/consistency), and is (s)he fussy and irritable? these are the things to keep an eye on. of course speak to healthvisitor or breastfeeding counsellor if you are worried. xx
thanks guys, he is really windy and i think the constant feeding is making that worse. I had heard that this age was a usual growth spurt so i'm hoping it will settle in a few days! have either of you tried mixing in one formula feed? its just im having to go back to work soon and really could do with longer than an hours sleep at a time!
My son almost fed constantly for eight weeks! I hardly left the sofa! I would say it's perfectly normal! My son also had bad colic and my health visitor told me that he might not be getting the hind milk if I was switching sides each time he fed. I feed a few times from the same side even now before switching to the other. It helped!
Was exactly the same for us up to around the three months mark. My midwife told me its all because baby is trying to make sure you are making enough milk. As much as it does start to get easier, getting my milk supply up to what Niamh wanted did take a while. I'd just go with it. In my experience giving a formula feed didn't help her sleep, we are still fighting on with that mission at 7 months!! 🙈 and she is fully formula fed now.
Again thanks everyone - just helps that you're not the only one experiencing it!!
check your baby's position as they latch, are you starting nose to nipple (nipple going into the top of baby's mouth) so baby's head is back and can swallow freely. do call one of the breastfeeding lines if you need help or reassurance.