My little one is not even two days old and already my boobies are chapping Finding breast feeding so painful. I gave my baby a bottle of ready made aptimil formula last night because i was in too much pain but went back to the breast today. I will talk to the midwife when she gets here but any tips or advice PLEASE?
Breast Feeding: My little one is not... - Pregnancy and Par...
Breast Feeding

You can get an ointment "lansinoh" which is good think it's expensive though you may be able to get a prescription? Ask mw to observe you feeding baby, as he/she might not be latching on properly the mw will be able to show you the right way xx
The first couple of days until ur milk vomes in properly are sore but in nxt couple of days ur milk wil b there and it will feel lot easier. As rach said get some cream..I also put some cotton pads in the fridge and pit them in my bra to relieve the soreness. X
Oh how did it go? ?? How much did she weigh? Are u ok? .... think u need some nipple cream to keep them moist not sure which ones as I've never used them but worth giving it a go. ... I'm sure dr fluffy posted something about nipple cream. ... Ah bet u can't stop looking at her xx

Hi ya,
4 whole weeks early and 5lb 4oz... can you believe it, just plodding along moaning.. went to bed watching a film and the next night holding my baby... wow, still in shock! lol
The Labor it self was not too bad, waters broke and I took myself off to hospital with no fuss, next morning OH, Mother, kids and friends all turned up.. we laughed and joked a bit, went back into the room and out she popped, 12 hours from start to finish but in all honesty it was all very manageable, no pain relief lol.... just glad to be home with my little family now. xx hope you are well? x
It is probably not this but worth a check to see if little one has tongue tie. Mine went undiagnosed for weeks, bubs was fine - put on weight like no tomorrow. But my nipples were in agony!
that Lanolin gel/cream is meant to be really good.
Ive personally never got the chance to try it when I had my son a couple of years ago & I remember feeling exactly the same when he was about 5 days old.
I still can't believe your Lil' girl arrived already
Hey, I been exclusively BF for past 4 weeks. Sore/cracked nipples suggests poor latch so may I suggest you start by looking at this. The HPA Lasinoh Ointment is £9.99. Whilst it sounds expensive you only use a tiny pea size bit on the nipple & in all honestly when your nips are sore you'll pay anything to fix it. I've had mine 3 weeks and tubes barely been touched.
We had to work on the 'latch' it's a team effort. The trick is line up nose with nipple, touch the top lip with it, this should get bubba to open wide, you need to get as much boob in the mouth as possible. It should be comfortable if enough boob in, chin touching boob, bottom lip rolled down and you should only really see the top of the areole and the nose touches the boob too, their nostrils are flared to breathe and eat
Do you have mishapened nipples when bubba lets go? Like say a lipstick?
Sadly we now both have thrush so have to BF with shooting pains and tenderness so latch is even more important. Xx
Thanks Ladies for all the advice, My little one came in at 5lb 4oz so tiny with a very small mouth and with my nipples being quite large the;-y are all she can latch onto!! I will deffo look into the cream etc.. anything has to be worth trying this feels like torture x
The only time I was sore was when we got thrush so I don't really know but people do recomend rubbing milk around your nipple after LO has finished feeding. Worth a try maybe
Hi hun im bf my third baby and this time round ive not had to use any cream possibly my nipples have become like leather over the years lol....anyways I was going to say rub your breast milk into them it should help and persevere with it hun xxx
Medela Purlan-100, exactly the same as Lasinoh, but only £5.99
Hit Google and get the details for your local Infant Feeding Team - they usually run breastfeeding cafes/support groups you can drop into and some will even come to your home (our local team will). They'll watch you feed and offer feedback in how to try to make it a bit easier xxx
I had this problem when my little one was born, my midwife told me to get lansinoh ointment, it worked wonders for the pain and settled down after a few days x
Even I had sore nipples. ... latching was the problem in my case.
I used lansinoh ointment.... but pain persisted during a feed.
The following worked for me. ...
Used a breast pump for a week and was continuously using lansinoh ointment for the nipples so that the wound will heal. Then after a week only ddirectly breast fed baby by making her to latch properly.
I've been using nipple shields from day 3 and no pain whatso ever its really worth a try I have big nipples and a tiny baby so latching on wasn't going well she's now a month old and doing great
Nipple shields, Lansinoh nipple cream and also use the breast milk itself on your nipples it works wonders.
Thanks ladies x