Hi all, I know this is a it of a daft question but I was just wondering if being bloated is a sign of a healthy pregnancy? For example I myself am only 4/5 weeks expecting and even though my tummys bloated my abdominal area is really flat. I would of thought it would be protuding or at least extending a bit as that's where the pregnancy is. Has anyone else experienced this and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy? It's just I've got a history of having an ecotopic and a miscarriage pregnancy and have a scan booked in a few weeks time but am worried on what they will find, help!
Have to be bloated to be pregnant? - Pregnancy and Par...
Have to be bloated to be pregnant?

I didn't even look a little bloated til about 14 weeks! You only need to put a few pounds on in the first 3 months. So you shouldn't show yet, feel bloated yes, but that's all.
Hi. Yes, bloating is very normal. All part of the hormonal joys of pregnancy. How soon your bump shows depends on the "fitness/tightness" of your abs. If you usually have a flat tummy, then it'll take longer to show; the pelvic area will get bigger first.
It's very normal. The pelvic swell won't happen till maybe from 8 weeks. like "film girl" said her bump didn't come till she was 14 weeks. Mine didn't show till about 13 weeks and then I felt like it happened overnight cos I looked in the mirror one day and it was there 😀. Don't worry. I know it's hard. Cos you can't see them and you've had a bad experience. That makes it more painful. I just count the weeks till my next midwife/antenatal appointment.....first it's the 12 week scan and you go "yay, I see you", then........16 weeks and you go "yay, I can hear you" and then you worry in between till the 20 week scan. And so it goes till they're born.
I'm 19 weeks now and the other day I seriously started thinking about getting a Fetal Doppler so I could make sure the baby's heart was still beating.
I hope all goes well this time for you and we all get to see and hold our LO. xxx
That's a relief to hear I thought it was just me lol! And congratulations on your baby Hun! And I suppose it's just about taking each day as it comes and expecting the the unexpected I've got a very early scan in the next few weeks to check where the baby's growing and I'm really nervous about it considering I've had a ecotopic before I suppose all you can do is take it easy get rest and eat healthy , thanks for both of your advice girlies, feeling much more positive now!x
I'm seven weeks and bloated. I like to look down and pretend it's a baby bump but nope, it's just my tummy. Hoping not to start showing until I've had time to visit home and collect all my sisters' old maternity clothes!