I have not posted for quite some time as I have been busy with my 3 girls, bump and work. Am getting really excited at the prospect of meeting the fourth princess I have to admit. The pleasures of the 3rd Trimester, where can I start; constipation, worsening SPD, frequent overnight loo trips, indigestion and heartburn, worsening varicose veins, numbness, pins and needles while sitting on the toilet only, increasing bump size, yes all of this!!!!
I have so far concentrated on the bump and taking one day at a time, however the Spd got very bad a few weeks ago, I had to ask for an urgent physio referral. It got so bad that I needed to use a walking stick in the morning and after any prolonged sitting or lying down. Physios haver been great so far and the aim is to keep mobile in the last few weeks. I have a personal workout regime, extra support and lots of useful advice. I am still not letting anything weigh me down and mentally I am thinking only positively and thinking about meeting little princess soooon!
To all the Mums out there I seriously don't know how we do it, it is by the Grace of God that we endure, persevere and forget about it all and then go back to it, bless you all. Wishing each and everyone of you a happy and wonderful new year filled with blessings, happiness and lots of healthy babies.
If anyone is worried about anything at all please see your Gp and Midwife, most of these are all normal however if there is any concern then it is worth ruling out anything more serious.