I have had so many different symptoms since I last had sex with my boyfriend. I have been waking up Hungry I have been having headaches I have been having cravings for new foods. Last month I missed a period and now my period has come on but very slow instead of heavy like It use to be! I took a pregnancy test 4 times and they all came back negative so im not to sure I need help please!?!
Hi I am 16 years old I have been havi... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi I am 16 years old I have been having sexually intercourse with my boyfriend. I need to find answers for why I have had so many pains!

Periods can be funny things when you are young, but, I would suggest a trip to the drs to get it checkeed out and also get some birth control s you haven't said you are trying for a baby.

her username is mummytobe..
Firstly you should visit your doctor, if it isn't pregnancy it could be something else.
Secondly if having a baby isn't something you want, you should be on some form of contraception. There are some really good ones like the iud or implant.
Hello, First thing to do is to see your gp or sexual health clinic. they will first test for pregnancy as some tests give false answers, ( i had 10 negatives and was actually 4 months pregnant with my boy) , if you are pregnant then it can be discussed to what you would like to do. Pains can come from all sorts of things, as can cravings and headaches. if your not pregnant it could be your body changing as your only 16 and still developing. I do agree that you should practice safe sex and be healthy , as you should be able to have these conversations in a mature way as sex is a mature action that should be taken with responsibility..... I hope you find out whats going on x
If your tests are negative but u feel that something is not right then you need to go to your GP for a proper urine pregnancy test. Your user name is MummytoBe which strikes me as bizarre if you're unsure of your current state . Personally I wake up hungry or get hungry shortly after waking up this doesnt mean you're pregnant neither do u clarify whether u and your partner use protection. Suggest you're a lot more careful in future if you do not wish to be pregnant or if u seriously at age 16 do not know that the best way to reassure yourselves is a trip to a GP. Good luck
Thanks for the advice guys I have been to my local GP to find out what is going on only to find out im actually 2 months pregnant!! so I am so happy iwasnt planning on having a baby but not I think I have grown up and realised I want a baby and me and my partner could not be happier thanks to everyone! But im gonna be a mummy <3 xo