Hi all. My baby just turned 5 months and I haven’t got my period this month, 5 days late. We had unprotected sex soon after my last period, though it was safe period but not sure if I could have ovulated that early. I am too scared to do a pregnancy test, thinking if it comes positive. I am so stressed as am not prepared for the second yet. Has anyone else had a same situation, having two babies with less age gap? Need emotional support!!
Second pregnany too soon: Hi all. My... - Pregnancy and Par...
Second pregnany too soon

oh my try not stress until there is something to stress over. You are 10 times more fertile after having a baby ito usually the first month or 2 I'm not to sure but you should definitely get a test done to put your mind at ease. Good luck ❤
I got pregnant with my second when my first was 4-5months, it was very unexpected and I was terrified!! Luckily it was an easier pregnancy, which was very good as my older son Ted was a very sicky baby with awful reflux and feeding issues. It was a challenge but it had a lot of benefits for us, Ted's feeding issues improved when his little brother Eric started eating as he had someone else to feed with and they've helped each other a lot in many ways as they're so close in age. Making sure you plan well and get family to help is important I really don't advise taking a baby to an ultrasound! We lived away from family when I was pregnant so it was tricky sometimes. Good luck with everything and try not to stress too much.
Thankyou for your reply. I feel much relieved after reading your comment. I want to be happy about it but my mind gets stuck thinking my first one needs alot of attention atm. Hopefully I can get along easily.
i know it probably sounds a bit mean but other than eating right for the pregnancy I just concentrated on looking after Ted during the day and only thought about the new baby in my Ted free hours. The baby that was around was the priority and the baby I was growing had to come second until he was born (makes me sound horrid lol), there will be night when Ted had temperature and I just had to stay awake and walk him for hours regardless, it never did Eric any harm luckily but I couldn't worry about it as you have to get on. Other than those times it was pretty much business as usual tho, your up with baby when you need night snacks or a wee, your napping with baby in the day when your knackered either way and you don't need to worry about fishing out old clothes or buying new ones as you've got everything ready from the baby you have now. There are pluses to having them close, plus I got statutory maternity pay for my 2nd because being on maternity with my 1st counted towards it, something to look into...
worry just means your a good mum, when i got pregnant with Eric my dad apparently said mournfully to my mum "its such a shame Vicki will miss so much of Ted's 1st years", you'd think i was being sent away to an island! it was bollocks, I didn't miss much other than the few days in the hospital after Eric was born and Ted really liked helping out with Eric, fetching my books to read to him when he could walk and getting tissues, he still gets him things he an't reach now, being close together can give them a good bond.
I have a 17week old and I have just had a scan I’m 10weeks I just feel
So blessed to be pregnant again after 3 failed rounds of Ivf and been told there’s a possibility I wouldn’t be able to have children I have my two little miracles I have spoke to people who’s baby’s are close together and apparently it’s a lot easier xxx
Oh wow congratulations!! Goodluck with your pregnancy. This platform is so good, people are so helpful to each other and promptly give advice/share experience. Xx
😄 just do a test there’s nothing to worry about or be afraid of you will learn to get through it xx