My daughter is 10 weeks old and I'm paranoid that my milk supply is low, I have a Phillips manual pump that came in a starter pack.
Daughter sleeps really well at night sometimes for six hours, the other night she went this long so I fed her from left breast and tried to pump right boob but only got 4 drops, think there was milk there as boob was lumpy and when I put her on for next feed I could hear her swallowing but she only went 5 minutes before she started pinching, smacking, scratching my breast (she does this only on right boob after 5 minutes or so) we thought it was wind but as soon as I took her off she started screaming so put her back on left boob and she was fine so I don't think it's wind.
She's on gripe water and infant gaviscon so we can't get away from bottles, and my partner has to give her dummy as she just screams when her holds her. Also after a feed she starts sucking on her arm, all my family say she's hungry..
She gained weight well up until week 3 but then only gained 3oz in 3 weeks so health visitor told me to up the feeds which I have done last couple of weeks she's gained 10oz.
Should I fork out for a electric pump costing over £100? Would it even help? Many thanks for reading! Rebecca