very stubborn. If she does not want to do something then it is a battle of the wills for her to do it. She is generally well behaved and we are generally strict with her. She has a good vocabulary. So much so, if she passes you and bumps into you she will respond with "oops sorry".
However, if she has been bad, she is put on the naughty step for 2 minutes and it is explained to her why she is on the step. Once taking her off the step, again it is re iterated to her what she has done and that she should say sorry. You tell her to say sorry for ..... She then starts screaming at you and waving her hands in your face in protest. She point blank refuses to apologise.
On average it can take minimum 2 hours for her to finally say sorry. I realise she is in this terror twos stage but this has been ongoing from a younger age. In the process she is not allowed to watch tv or play until she apologises. If you approach her for an apology she also starts launching herself backwards onto the floor and cries and kicks her legs (usual tantrum stuff you know).
Does anyone else have a stubborn little girl? Im also now 36 weeks pregnant and not keeping well at all. Have no family and husband works away. This battle of the wills has been making me ill as I refuse to give in to her as she has then "won" and I know next time it will just be harder.
I get to the point where i get an excruciating pain in the side of my bump and have to hunch over as its like a painful stitch when she starts fighting me.
Any advice much appreciated x