I normally have a very regular 28 day cycle and keep in my diary when I am due on, more often than not I'm a day early, never late. I always have very swollen breasts 2 weeks before I am due and the cramps and back ache start a few days before hand. This time however, my breasts have only grown slightly (and much later than normal) I am currently 5 days late for my period with no normal signs that it is on it's way. Is it too early to do a home pregnancy test?
5 days late...is it too early to test - Pregnancy and Par...
5 days late...is it too early to test

I would do one now.ive done one when 5days late before so its not too early.do first wee of the day. Good luck xx
I did one the day after I was due!! And it was +ve!!!! Clear blue do a test that tells u how far gone u are too n don't have to necessarily use 1st wee of the day. Good luck!!

Just said first wee of day as its most concentrated so more likely to show up on all tests xx
I tested day after I was due on as well and got positive result.....on 3 tests lol. I used boots own ones first and there was a line but was quite faint so to be sure I got clear blue digital after to confirm good luck x
A good quality test like clear blue can detect the pregnancy hormone up to 4 days before your period is due so I would say take a test. Let us know how you get on, it is so exciting.
So a week late for my period now, pregnancy test came up as negative
I'm only 3 days late and no period!! So frustrating! I just wanna cry! Even the early tests aren't showing up... Everyday I think it's the day and have spent way too much money on the tests!! I know we did it on my ovulation day and I have all the symptoms (Except sore breasts) to top it all off my SIL told us today that she is!! Urgh! Let me know what your results are~! *Baby dust to you my friend!
9 days late now, another negative test, so I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning!
I did one the day after I was due and it was positive - I have very regular 28 day cycles and couldn't wait!
I did one when I was a day late and it was positive! No harm in trying xx
I did one a day before my period was due and got a strong positive. Fingers crossed you get the result you’re hoping for