I know this is part of early pregnancy but im really struggling. I work with the public and even smilling is such an effort, please tell me this will pass?! lol I'm usually really bubbly and happy person but the now i just can be bothered lol. Thanks Lee-Ann
10weeks 4days No energy and moody - Pregnancy and Par...
10weeks 4days No energy and moody

Hang on in there, might only be another week or so of faking that smile! I got really short tempered where I'm normally mild mannered. Had a massive go at someone at work who was more senior than I am! Xx
Yes the second trimester is the best... well wasfor me... hormones start to settle and u feel better in urself... not long now
Be patient and hang in there!! The first trimester is full of hormones so can lead to lots of abuse for just about anyone who looks at you!
Certainly for me the 2nd trimester was the best as with Babymother. So much so I forgot at times I was even pregnant!
Thanks Girlies its not as bad when im working a later shift 3-10 but its they early morning 7-3 that kill me haha! xx
I know what its like working with the public i work in a supermarket and my regulars kept asking if i was ok as i seemed more quite.
It will get better im 33 weeks now and i agree with everyone else 2nd trimister is alot easier so hang in there and congratulations x