Swaddling: I bought a swaddle thing... - Pregnancy and Par...

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12 Replies

I bought a swaddle thing and tried it when I first brought little one home but he didn't seem to like it and kept wriggling around but I've tried it again a Couple of weeks later and he is still fast asleep.... so if at first u don't succeed its always worth trying again :)

12 Replies
lou42 profile image

Good advice, been wondering whether to give this a go once my LO is out and about! Xx

Ah my boy hated swaddling and never came around to it! Good for you though getting your bubsy to like it :D

DrFluffy profile image

Sam hated it too, but loved his grobag :-)

My LO didn't seem to like being swaddled in a blanket, he was a bit like Houdini and always got his arms out! Although we did buy a swaddlepod from mothercare which is a bit like a tight fitting sleeping bag witha zip up the front - they look a bit like a slug! He loved this, it calmed him when stressed out and kept him snug for a good sleep - def recommend it xx

Tralala_85 profile image

Hi ladies, I'm really glad this post came up. We have three weeks to go and already have some grobags and was debating a swaddle until last week at our ante natal was told not to use anything but blankets and sheets for the first six months??!! I liked the idea of him being all cosy and wrapped up. Do you definitely find the help the babies settle? Also with the grobags because they are so long what do you do with the extra bit at the bottom?? Xx

I wish I'd tried swaddling earlier! By the time we'd started it, after a week or 2 Hugo was wriggling free of blankets and swaddle shells!

My midwife said not to use the sleeping bags/gro bags till he was a couple of months old and less scrunched up. This was fine was as when he was born, it was the heatwave so didn't even need clothes never mind sheets and blankets.

I personally don't like the idea of sheets and blankets, but think that's because even at a few weeks old, Hugo would wriggle all over the place! Feet to foot never stuck for more than 10 mins!!


ScotianGirl profile image

There is recent news that swaddling increases hip dysplasia in babies.


A Gro-bag may not be as bad because it's looser around the baby's hips?

Dozymum profile image

We've been using a gro bag for Joshua since he was born. It's really good at keeping him snug at night as our bedroom gets quite chilly. I think he enjoys that he can curl up or stretch out depending on how he feels :-)

MELLISSAC8 profile image

It seems to be working with RJ. I wipe him down at 8 after sending the others off to school. Give him a swaddle and he's asleep till 12.30 -1ish. Gives me time to have a bath and do little things. So for me it helps.

My swaddle thing is roomy round the legs more but more swaddled rooms his arms and torso... I've always tucked blankets round him so this is pretty much the same x

f3speechy profile image

I didn't use gro bags or swaddling when my boys were small, and with my first 2 they didn't even HAVE gro bags, lol. The bags were too big, swaddling just isn't recommended. When #3 didn't settle at first, we put him to sleep in the car seat by the bed. Then we bought a bed nest type crib and it was easy to settle him as you didn't have to stick your hand through bars. You can buy fleecy suits with bag bottoms that are easy to use and not as bulky as a grow bag. I had some quilted suits when the baby was small, didn't need blankets with those on.

No one ever tells you this till it's too late and you've bought loads, but if you're buying a gro bag, make sure to buy ones where they zip from the top to the bottom (i.e. so you can have the side zipped but not the botom). That way, you can have feet out as they get bigger and they can stand up in the cot without falling over, and also for easy nappy change without taking the whole thing off! :)

Tralala_85 profile image

Thanks ladies some fab advice. I think new products are out all the time aren't they and professional advice seems to change just as quick you can't keep up! I suppose sometimes it's best to just try and see what suits him and settles him well. I just can't wait to get him here to try them! Xx

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