So my little boy is 9 months and for the past 2 months, he has stopped sleeping at night like waking every 2 hours sometimes for a cuddle, sometimes food, I don't know why I know he is teething, he is walking already and crawling so I know alot is going on in his brain. But he sleeps fine during the day one morning and Avo nap about 2 hours long no problem. I've tried sleep drops (natural) and bath before bed and books, night light, u name it I have tried it. I'm so exhausted.. And my husband works overseas 3 weeks on an d 3 off so only me and home most of the time. Any other suggestions how to get him to sleep through the night again???
Please help me get sleep again!! - Pregnancy and Par...
Please help me get sleep again!!

I know this feeling I am going through it with my lb who is nearly 11 months old and he only has one nap through the day he been like this now since he was 8 months old
your lb might be going through sleep regression I know that can last till about 10 months old....but if you do get him to sleep alright please share what you did I would love a full night sleep again xx
In all honesty you just need to go with the flow on this one. My boy is 17months now & I remember that age being a nightmare for sleep, we ended up co sleeping a lot. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to ride it out xx
My girl is going through this at 8 months. If it’s teething try giving some bonjela before he goes to bed, also I give my daughter some infacol or similar incase it’s stomach pain. I co sleep with my daughter and I find that when she feels me near she is calmer and more relaxed.
Also if he is your only child, if possible, try to get as much work done in the morning and have that nap with your baby in the afternoon! It will do wonders! Good luck and remember it will get easier xxx
I have 4 children but he is my youngest and I have tried to sleep during the day, but can't do it. I am studying as well, so not much me time .. Lol... I can't do sleeping with my child.. I have never done it, so will persevere with getting up multiple times in a night. And hope it gets better
Try contacting a sleep consultant, they may be able to offer some helpful tips or highlight anything that may be unwittingly contributing to your LOs current sleep pattern
hey my oldest nephew had the same issue, try and leave him for half an hour if he cries, if he has not stopped check on him if you have any major concerns just see your gp am sure he will be fine
I don’t think leaving him to cry is a solution. Your LO is going through a lot as 8-10 months is a very important milestone. If they are being left to cry, it will break the bond of trust. It will be harder to gain back the trust if it did not work. It’s not recommended in many sleep training.
The sleep training by Tracy Hogg, it may help where it describe the PU/PD method and gradually transition to self smoothing with your voice. Nevertheless, we can’t do sleep training if they are teething, unwell, etc..
Oh I know I don't like to leave him to cry, I usually let him try settle himself for a few minutes then pick him up give him a cuddle, put him bk down after trying food, checking diaper etc.. But sometimes crying for 10 mins helps give me a break , so I can take a breath calm myself down cause I get upset when he's crying and I can't help him and when ur up so much throughout the night.
Hi I am probably in the minority but I am going to say give controlled crying a go!!! My first was exactly as you described he stopped sleeping at six months and by the time he was eight and a half months old I was so tiered I couldn’t cope. I went to a weighing clinic and talked (or rather cried at) a health visitor. And she said leave him to cry, I said he too young I can’t and she said you will. Over the next two weeks I read lots on the subject I bought 3 different books tried everything they suggested and still no sleep I though I would give it a try. The first night I put him to bed at 8 he screamed for 25mins I felt appalling but he went to sleep he then woke at 2.30 started crying again I felt so bad I had to leave the room I sat on the floor outside the door sobbing listening to him cry feeling like the worst mum in the world, he cried for 30 mins but then slept till 7!! I did the same the next day but fell asleep on the landing in the middle of the night. And the third day was just as bad but on the fourth day he only cried for a couple of minutes then slept all night and to be honest he has slept every night since he’s nearly two now!! Good luck with whatever you try I hope you get some sleep soon!
It's nice to see everyone has there own opinion my husband keeps telling me to let him cry, I never had any sleep issues with other 3 kids and I didn't with my son until the 7 month mark, I have spent many nights outside his door having a cry myself wondering why he wouldn't sleep as I had tried everything.. But I will keep going and trying different things and I know it will take time, just upsetting as he's my last baby
Thanks so much for everyone's stories and what everyone else Has tried.. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, lol... Last night he only got up twice , so there is some good days ahead I hope