I'm experiencing light period like cramps?, been eating a lot today though could it be that?, miscarried before and so anxious bout it happening again, or could it just be playing on my mind it's more my hips hurting aswell??
4 weeks 5 days pregnant : I'm... - Pregnancy and Par...
4 weeks 5 days pregnant

Congratulations! Glad you've for the result you hoped for.
Try not to panic it's a completely normal symptom of pregnancy. I understand how you feel though as I had a previous miscarriage. Just try and relax, this is a new pregnancy so try not to compare it to much to your previous one (hard I know, I used to worry myself over every ache and pain).
Take it easy and enjoy the process x
Oh thats good, just read loads of forums and seen its all normal, so hard not too worry then when i do, i keep noticing how normal i feel and happy and realise no thats not what happened last time, just gunna take the next two weeks easy as this time last time i had a miscarriage. atleast i can put that too rest now!, thank you!xx
As EmBee said, try not to worry. I had period like cramps between 4-8 weeks (on and off) and its usually just all the changes that are taking place internally...your body is going through such a huge change you're bound to have some aches and pains. Congratulations on your pregnancy and best of luck!
Congratulations! Yes - totally normally to have period pain style cramps, just the building works going on inside! I had a miscarriage at the beginning of the year so I know the feeling of worrying about any ache and pain and then worrying when you have no aches and pains! Try to relax (hard as that is!) xx
So worrying though like I'm having bad pains, but I'm guessing now there just trapped wind as When I got into a nice warm bath it stopped and I'm bolted a lot!!x