Today I am 39 weeks and 5 days. I am fed up, I've been told all along that I would have my lil lady early. She isn't gonna let people be right. I feel so uncomfy and ready to pop but she doesn't seem to want to budge. I've been having on and off contractions for 2 weeks so it feels like a constant tease. I just want to be able to sit without being in pain, to walk without waddling and being in pain. I know the end result will be worth it but right now I can't see the end of the road. Hope everyone else is having a better time then me. X
Fed up, fat and due on Sunday. - Pregnancy and Par...
Fed up, fat and due on Sunday.

Hi there, I am feeling the exact same, everyone told menu would go early because my bump is quite low, but here I am at 40 weeks 3 days and still no sign of baby yet! I've been getting lots of niggles an pains which I think are going to be the start of something and it turns out to be nothing. It's horrible, they are such little teasers lol. I've just had to resign myselfro the fact she is no rid and she will come when she is good and ready. Hope it baby decided to be good and come on time, good luck x
Bless ya Hun. It's not nice going over. I went over with both my other two and really thought it would be different this time. Like you say it wouldn't be bad if we weren't having the teasing pains. I have told myself she will come when she's ready but I'm only fooling myself into not believing I want her here now. X
I think you look fab! Big bump (but not massive), lovely long slim legs and pert bottom
Must be frustrating but just think maximum of 2 weeks to go!! How exciting!
I'm 32+5 today and still loving the pregnancy bit, just counting down to finish work! So kind of know how you feel Only 15 working days for me to go and by then you would have had your baby
Take care and pamper yourself while you can xXx
Thanks ladies. That photo was taken 2 weeks back so I'm a little bit bigger but not much. I hate the not knowing. That's the worst part and surprises are not a good thing for me. I'm a little anal and like to know what's happening and when. I know this is out of my control and my lil lady will come when she's good and ready. I'm fed up of cleaning and walking and bouncing on my ball. I've tried every trick in the book to try and induce labour too so I'm just going to let nature take its course now. Hope your all doing well and good luck to you all xx
40 weeks today! Any more activity? Xx
No activity apart from a very active lil lady. Yes today is d day. I was really hoping she would be here on time. Now I'm going to have to put up with the old "are you still pregnant" line from people. I see you lil one made an appearance. Well done. Hope all is well. I just want to meet my lil lady now xx
She'll be here soon don't you worry, just picking her moment for the grande finale and it will be an amazing moment
Do you have a plan to convince her to make an appearance if she keeps you waiting too long? X