Im 21.had safe sex wit my bf.but im missing period for a month now.three negative pregnancy me
Three negative pregncy test,safe sex.... - Pregnancy and Par...
Three negative pregncy test,safe sex..but missing period for a
You might have a cycst or something on your ovaries they can cause irregular periods. Get an appointment with your doctors and they may refer you for a scan to see what is going on.
Have you / or are you taking any other form of contraception ?
If you have recently stopped using the "pill for example" it could sometimes cause a delay in your menstrual cycle.
When I was at uni my periods stopped for 6 months cos of the stress and made worse by me worrying why I didn't get my period. Try and relax as hard as it sounds if still nothing at next one go see your gp
I dont know whats wrong.. Im internally weak so im taking medicines of vit D and calcium tablets since two months it because of those medicines? I used ipill once before 2 months and had period after 2 days..and its been a month now m missing my period..m so worried..had third home pregnancy test yesterday and its signs of pregnancy too but missing period
It's just a tough question to answer to be honest as I'm not a medical professional or anything!
I'd say just take it easy & be patient. If you are pregnant I'm sure you'll get some sort of sign soon enough.
I hope im not pregnant three negative pregnancy tests...hope they are right...
Are you underweight? This can cause periods to stop and would explain the negative tests.
No i gained 3-4 kg in two months.