Has anyone else had this problem? Ive taken 3 tests all at different times of the day, i did one in the morning, but they all was negative, i have swolen and sore breasts, feeling sick on and off and im very emotional..
Negative pregnancy test, but late per... - Pregnancy and Par...
Negative pregnancy test, but late period and feeling pregnant? Confused!!

Hi there,
Are your cycles regular? If not, then it may be that your period is not truly 'late' and that it's just too early to get a positive result. That happened to me. So, I would assume you are pregnant (and avoid alcohol etc) and test again in a few days time. Also, make sure you use the first urine of the day, as apparently the hormones will show in a higher concentration then. Good luck!
Wait two days from today, this gives your hcg levels a chance to rise if you are pregnant. Use a Clear blue test digital with conception indicator, not women on here agree these are the best
Also how late are u? When did u ovulate? It takes 14 days to get a positive after ovulation, hence the two week wait!
Keep us updated, good luck
Hiya, How late are you?? Wait a few days like the others have said and test very first thing in the morning if you can it gives a better reading. If it still says negative and you still have not come on maybe contact your doc and ask them to take a blood sample to check your hcg levels. I did a pregnancy test on 15th Feb and it was negative and I still had not come on by 28th feb so had a blood test and my hcg levels were 2000 so a week later I had another blood test and they were 20,000 and it calculated out on the dating scan that I was 6wks 6days pregnant so good luck.
Recently when trying to get pregnant (5 years trying), I had two months where my cycles ran 38 days instead of 26. I am as regular as clock. Both times tested negative throughout. As someone said, wait two days and retest again. I over ran by twelve days, and have no clue as to why.
I've had the same problem. I've taken four tests all negative. If I've still not come on after a week I'm gonna see my doctor. That is probably your best bet.