I am 9 wks today and hv been having serious heartburn all day,pls wat can I do to ease it off,went to d doc last wk was told it beta to avoid drugs till 2nd trimester,bt don't tink I can bear dis anymore,any idea on wat to do pls
Serious heartburn at 9 weeks - Pregnancy and Par...
Serious heartburn at 9 weeks

Take gaviscon meant to be good and also try drinking milk. I personally dislike gaviscon but hav been drinking milk like its going out of fashion and hav been eating lots of yoghurt x

Think I will go for d milk n yoghurt instead as I don't want to to any risk wit any type of drug,tanx a lot
Hi hun, I'm 32+5 weeks and I wake in the night with the most horrendous heart burn it's awful. I personally drink a lot of milk too because I can't stand gavisvon its vile !!! Luckily I've only been getting it for the past 2 weeks so hope your doesn't last the whole way through xxx
It does say on the bottle its ok for pregnant women and people who are breastfeeding and as its over counter its ok. I hav had it few times just makes me sick. X
Rennie ( again on packet says suitable for indigestion in pregnancy), milk and white magnum ice creams! X
Tanx to all,told hubby yestaday n went to d pharmacist who also recomemded d gaviscon,he then bought dt for wit yoghurt incase I can't either of it then choose d second,tanx,really appreciate
As a long term sufferer with various digestive issues I can recommend actimel! X