I have heard things about a £500 maternity grant that you can receive, and I have briefly looked over it but am not sure whether I qualify as it is all really complicated and me and forms dont get on. if this helps Me and my boyfriend who both live at same address both work full time and this is our first child due in sept, just wondering if anyone knows anything and could shed some light as to whether am entitled. thnx x
maternity grant query: I have heard... - Pregnancy and Par...
maternity grant query
I'm thinking possibly not unless you are on a very low income, as you both work full time. From what I can gather its when you are receiving certain benefits. I will only just qualify for it and I have twins, and my husband is out of work and that's only when they are born. I wouldn't qualify if I applied now. If you want to know for definite ring jobcentre and they will tell you more information but there's no harm in trying!! Unless you're joint income is very high, when your baby is born, over 26k a year I think you should qualify for child tax credits, and child benefit. Hope this helps xxx
thank u, yeh I thought that might be the case regarding certain benefits but again I wasn't too sure but I will go to job centre while in town and see if they can help me as u say, if u don't ask u don't get. thanks for replying xx

Not a problem at all! Just to pre warn you the jobcentre might just stick you on a phone they don't seem to do much in their offices Without an appointment x
Hi, Sorry but unless you get an income related benefit (job seekers allowance/ income support/ esa) or get a disability premium in your working tax credit you won't qualify. The rules changed in the last couple of years, you used to be able to claim even without being in receipt of benefits- if you already had a child and received more than the basic element of Child tax credit.Unfortunately the powers that be made a slight amendment and you can now only claim for your first child. This unfortunately means even with a low earned income you can't claim unless you're out of work or disabled. The money advise service web site has a full list of what you can and can't claim and how to go about claiming x
I heard about this grant too but when I looked into it we are exempt. It's rather unfair because every first time parents cld do with a helping hand getting started.
i was under the impression you get it with your first child anyway. im filling in the form and sending it off. i work fulltime and at moment living in a b&b as emergency accommodation through the council. still have to pay towards it though as i work, but thats the only help i get. x
It is a sure start Maternity grant of £500 it is for people that are entitled to benefits for low income etc.