So I have booked my weekly appointments two left to see the doctor until I'm 40 weeks and DD. yay. 25th June I'm booked for a sweep so I'm hoping that works a treat like it did for my second. Got another appointment this Wednesday but probably just usual check urine blood pressure etc.
Been having Toni Braxton's on and off over the week, yesterday after being none stop washing ironing and making dinner they where pretty intense last night, so I had a radox muscle soak bath and was relieved by the heat and aromatherapy.
My hips have been giving me gip, this last week too things are defiantly going on down there in the south.
Mustered up the courage and energy for sex which hasn't been at the forefront of my mind recently ... And to no avail did nothing except make my hips worse!
I have been nesting I think i.e. making sure everything is washed ironed put away floors Cleaned etc. I even unpacked and re organised my baby bag lol mad women.
Tiredness is getting better, so long as I consume enough watering the day, I don't need to drink at night. which normally results in waking 6-7 times a night to use the loo. Heartburn came back for 24 hrs think my baby is mischievous and engaged slight.y then decided against it
Hope your all enjoying pregnancies so many of you have had your babies or are waiting in these final weeks like me for some kind of hope. Wishing you all the best.... Race you. I'm trying to keep updated with you all and replying to questions blogs etc i hope the ladies who have recently found out they are expecting continue to blog throughout and enjoy this online community as much as I and others have in the last 9 months xxx