Im 4 weeks annd 6 days. Almost five weeks. And i have been getting cramps like if i was to get my period. Im just worried because i had a misscarage 10 months ago.....
I dont know what to do: Im 4 weeks annd... - Pregnancy and Par...
I dont know what to do

I remember about week 6/7 I had this and was worried but apparently it’s just the womb stretching. I would try not to panic and worry too much unless you start to bleed xxx
It’s probably stretching. I had a lot of cramping in the first trimester xx
Don't worry unless it's a sharp or overpowering pain. They say also if there is fresh blood however I had cramps with both of mine and blood with my second, now 24weeks. Try not to worry it sounds normal.
I'm 6 weeks and spent much of the last two with really painful cramping. Looked it up, it's apparently normal. It seems to be easing off now though. It's not nice but hopefully it will stop soon.
I know how you feel hun. We've had 2 miscarriages and I'm now 23+2 with our rainbow boy. At the beginning of this pregnancy I had period type pain a lot and was forever worrying but it must of been normal cus our boy is healthy and going strong.
I used to tell myself try not to worry, give it a few minutes to pass and if it doesn't I'll call the doctor but it always passed. It didn't stop me worrying but it did calm me down.
Wishing you all the best! Xx
If you tell your GP you are having bad cramps they should be able to book you in for an emergency scan with the EPU. I also had cramps and was reassuring to see the baby was fine. Though at some point turned out the cramps were due to a sub chorionic haematoma and there was lots of period type bleeding but miraculously baby was fine and is now 21 weeks (touchwood). So lots going on within the body and no point in worrying. Trying and be happy and if you are too anxious do see yout doctor and out your mind at rest. Hope everything works out well for you 👍🏼