So baby George is eight days old today (36plus 3 gestation) and wow what a complete little cutie he is, still can't believe I have him
So far so good in regards to feeding, I'm doing a bit of expressing, and bottle feeding, George has tongue tie so finds it difficult to latch on to the breast for a good time, plus where he was early his suck reflex wasn't particularly strong, but getting stronger, his tongue tie will be cut in the next week
I'm feeding George every three hours, so quite tired, but learning to sleep when he sleeps.
In the last week he is becoming more alert when feeding and stays awake for about fifteen minutes after his tiny premature size bottles lol.
I have had to buy a special support inner seat for him, so he fits in his car seat, great website called early babies, omg! They even do clothes for two pounds babies.
Feeling very good in myself, the pain of the c-section is easing up, had my stitches out. I don't like the way my belly is looking but hey I have to be patient with it going back, strange to see how my uterus is going back, my belly button is nearly back to an inny
My gestational diabetes is gone, my swelling which believe me was horrendous is slowly but surely reducing, starting to see my ankle bones blood pressure is good
It's such a joy, I'm soooo happy and in love with this little man, I thank god everyday for him, it really was a miracle I had him.
I hope you ladies are all well xxxxxx