Im only six weeks and found out two weeks ago because I was having problem ive been bleeding since last week so had a scan there was no heartbeat. I was told not to be positive as things don't look hopeful. Im back today for a scan to see if the baby is okay. Im terrified! :s
Big day today hopefully all will be w... - Pregnancy and Par...
Big day today hopefully all will be well.

fingers crossed for you keesh. hope everything goes ok and you see the heartbeat on the screen.
i had the same thing. and heartbeat wasnt picked up until 8weeks. then i ended up in hospital for 4 weeks with Hyperemesis. so kind of the rest i needed and it took my mind off worrying about bubz so much. worrying doesnt help.
harder said then done to be positive i know. good luck xx
Thinking of you hope all goes well. Xxx
That's very early to see a heartbeat..What has ur bleeding been like? I bled from the day after I missed my period for 4 weeks it was pink then red and had to wear a panty liner everyday. Alot of women on here have had heavier bleeds and been Ok. . So there is still hope so.hopefully today they will be able to see the heartbeat. . Fingers crossed for u xx

Thank you. The bleeding has been like a period none stop since thursday. Ive also been passing clots. Xx
I hope all is well 4 you just be positive god is in control of everything.i know is not that easy just like me too, am also 5weeks + now and I can't just wait to hear my baby heart beat because I had 2 miscarriage in the past. Hopefully all will be well with you ijn.
Fingers crossed x
Hope all is well xxx
Thanks guys good and bad news the baby has grown but not as much as they would expect. Tge blood from outside the sack has gone but there is still blood around baby. The heartbeat was seen but very slow. She said to come back next week for another scan.
well thats some good news. rest up and take things easy. dont let yourself stress to much about this. i had a lot of bleeding and clots and im 24 weeks now. xx
google is the worst thing!!! i spent hours googling my problems. some came back with ok repsonse but most of it scared the sh*t out of me!! its not the best thing a it makes you worry more. i bled for weeks. sometimes it was alot of brown discharge and other times the whole toilet was bright red and clots on tissue. i was seen in EPAU every two weeks. (being wheeled over from the ward next door). i was embarrassed slightly as they were doing internals and i was bleeding everywhere. im still to this day having light light brown discharge but im prone to infections now
dont let it get you down. bleeds can be caused by UTI's so get a urine sample done too. xx
Im feeling a lot more optimistic now thank you. I will keep you posted xx
Hi Keesh87, I had a heavy bleed at 12 weeks and was told by the hosp after they did an internal that I was having a mc. My pj bottoms were drenched in blood and was passing clots of blood and the tissue when I wiped had big clots all over it, very scary and emotional times.
I am still pregnant and am now 17 w 1 day and have got a hematoma (a collection of blood clots) in my womb which popped when my cervix stretched. I am still losing now (brown blood) although it has eased off I am constantly going to the loo and checking.
Try and think positive, they have found a heartbeat which is excellent news, at least they are seeing you next week now and fingers crossed your baby will have grown and the little heart beat will be stronger, good luck and keep positive xxxxxxx
Keep us posted thinking of your situation and hoping for the best xx
Hope all goes okay. We are all with you x
thanks for all the support ladies I had the follow up scan this morning and the baby was dead. I now have to wait for it to pass which im dreading seeing it. xx