Stressful day today, would like to kn... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Stressful day today, would like to know of peoples experiences in getting a growth scan?

Lovestar profile image
7 Replies


Im 32+1 weeks and I had a midwife appointment today where she measured my bump and at first said it was 4 weeks too small and I should get a scan this same day, then she decided it was 3 weeks too small so I have a scan tomorrow instead. I know measuring small can be a common thing but I was a bit worried about being potentially 4 week too small! The baby has been moving around lots so hopefully everything will be fine. I think I'm just upset because my husband is out of the country at the moment and we've never spent longer than a week apart before so I just wish he was here, I know he would have loved to be at the scan.

Feeling quite stressed with work, thankfully I only have a few shifts left before I go on holiday then start maternity leave - I think what upset me today also was the fact that I was refused a break at work because my boss thought I was a couple of mins late! I work in a supermarket and normally my shift is 12-5pm but because of the midwife appointment I arrived at 1pm so was working 1-5pm and so I am due a 15 min break but was refused one because they thought I was a couple of mins late! I am seriously regretting staying on at my part time student job, I thought I was doing the right thing in not applying for graduate jobs when I graduated this year because I knew I was pregnant and had travel plans so thought it would be unfair for prospective employers - silly me!

Apart from all of that I'm having a really good pregnancy overall and feel fine, outside of work I've had a great few months, got married last week on my birthday which was such a good day. When I'm feeling down about work or my husband being a thousand miles away I just remember what a lovely wedding/birthday/christmas I just had and feel thankful :)

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Lovestar profile image
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7 Replies
candiceandsesame profile image

Oh don't worry about the size too much. The way they measure is really inconsistent. From 28 I measured 3wks small and I never gained that back. I think it was because she was very low in my pelvis the whole time.

I had scans and baby was always fine. In fact its great to see them again.

plus she only weighed 5lb 11oz when born so a good size to get out!!! Lol x you really don't want to push out a 10lber x

TillyGrace26 profile image

I had the exact same thing, I was measuring 3 or 4 weeks smaller the whole time and ended up being because the baby was back to back, but she turned back at last minute so nothing to worry about at all. As long as you are havig lots of movement nothing major is wrong, the measurements are just guide lines you may just have a smaller baby or your baby may be in a funny position which is making the measurement off a bit. Bu try not to worry I'm sure everything will be fine just think to yourself it's a bonus u getti see your baba another time on scan :) congrats on wedding, you have had an eventul week then hehe xx

Mummy_Pandaa profile image

I don't think that I know anyone who's measurements were accurate. I remember that my youngest sister measured small but was 9lb 11oz, and a year ago my mate who measured big had a 7 lb-er! It's all guess work really, so don't panic.

As for your work, remind them that due to the fact that you had an appointment that was baby related, they cannot penalise you for it. You were officially working for five hours, therefore entitled to the break, even if you did get there a few minutes late or not.

I can't speak for measuring the bump, but, in my opinion, what your boss did was out of order! I know from experience that working in retail over Christmas is hell on earth, which is why it's even more important to have a break (ESPECIALLY when pregnant!). If your boss was that concerned about your lateness, then they could have asked you to stay for those all-important two or three minutes! It might be worth mentioning to HR, if you can/want to. Xx

in reply to

Yes I second the retail Christmas hell on earth reference!! Definitely need your breaks!

What your boss did was very very wrong to anyone let alone a pregnant lady! I'd go to his boss and complain!! As for measuring small don't worry!! I had 3 planned growth scans because my BMI was in the underweight category at 12 weeks! Then at 36 weeks I was measuring 32 and even though I'd had growth scans and all was fine, I still had to go for another! And of course all was fine!! :) even scan measurements can't be accurate as I was predicted to have an 8 lb plus baby and he was 6.12!! Your pic you look petite so I doubt very much there will be a problem but let us know you are all ok xx

Lovestar profile image

Thanks everyone for your replies! The scan went well and the baby is measuring bang on what it should be :) I could see the baby's hair, little curls on it head so cute!

Working retail really is hell - working for a supermarket is like being bled dry, they just take take take! Everyone I spoke to at work were shocked that they would refuse my a lousy 15min break, it's so ridiculous. Nevermind I only have 3 shifts left :D

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