Im 32+1 weeks and I had a midwife appointment today where she measured my bump and at first said it was 4 weeks too small and I should get a scan this same day, then she decided it was 3 weeks too small so I have a scan tomorrow instead. I know measuring small can be a common thing but I was a bit worried about being potentially 4 week too small! The baby has been moving around lots so hopefully everything will be fine. I think I'm just upset because my husband is out of the country at the moment and we've never spent longer than a week apart before so I just wish he was here, I know he would have loved to be at the scan.
Feeling quite stressed with work, thankfully I only have a few shifts left before I go on holiday then start maternity leave - I think what upset me today also was the fact that I was refused a break at work because my boss thought I was a couple of mins late! I work in a supermarket and normally my shift is 12-5pm but because of the midwife appointment I arrived at 1pm so was working 1-5pm and so I am due a 15 min break but was refused one because they thought I was a couple of mins late! I am seriously regretting staying on at my part time student job, I thought I was doing the right thing in not applying for graduate jobs when I graduated this year because I knew I was pregnant and had travel plans so thought it would be unfair for prospective employers - silly me!
Apart from all of that I'm having a really good pregnancy overall and feel fine, outside of work I've had a great few months, got married last week on my birthday which was such a good day. When I'm feeling down about work or my husband being a thousand miles away I just remember what a lovely wedding/birthday/christmas I just had and feel thankful