I am coming up 25 weeks pregnant and me and my partner are over the moon... however we have decided that we don't want any more. I already have a daughter of 4 and so does my partner so we think 3 is more than enough. Due to previous health problems (i.e Headaches and hemapligic attacks) I am not allowed to take contraceptive pills or have the injection or implant so the coil is my only option. I have always been dubious about it never like the idea and my auntie had serious problems with hers just a few years ago and it had to be removed. Can anyone give me an insight of whats its like and the realistic pro's and con's. I have asked my GP about having my tubes tied after this baby or my partner getting the snip (which he is prepared to do) however due to our age (25 and 27) they wont do it apparently they only do it on over 30's and even early 30's are not guaranteed to be accepted for it.
Need some advice please