Posts - Pelvic Radiation Disease Association | HealthUnlocked

Pelvic Radiation Disease Association

675 members356 posts

All posts for October 2023

Sharing wonder effects of Duloxetine/ Cymbalta

had chemo/radiation 2013 for anal cancer; 6 years later, struck with incontinenc...
USAPRDA profile image


I had radiotherapy for cervical cancer in 2009. I now have chronic symptoms inc...
Poldeb profile image

Yes, Yes, Yes, are you kidding. Sexual performance, primal male dominance, self confidence are all affected by pelvic radiation.

I had pelvic radiation daily for a month. By day 3 the lymph nodes were 60% redu...
Shaunjon profile image
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insufficiency Fractures

is there anyone who has thus after pelvic radiotherapy? I have three , on red in...
Quercus16 profile image

Introduction: Shaunjon, 47, I went through pelvic radiation in 2009. I have been through a lot, unnecessarily, unfortunately.

My profile kinda goes over the just of my situation. I've been through pelvic ra...
Shaunjon profile image

Quick Question

How do you Save Posts? I can't see any option beside the Post I want to Save. C...

Chemorads/Brachytherapy late side effects

Just wondering if anyone else experiencing the same? I’m now 4.5 years out of C...
Derry71 profile image

Thank you so much to my pals on PRDA

Thanks especially to the two 'Blue's' who replied to my post about phoning the G...

When can I expect a response following GP referral to the local specialist team?

My GP did my referral on 4th October. How long will it take to hear back from lo...
Hidden profile image

It’s getting even more sunny 🌞

Went for my GP appointment yesterday to get the referral to the team in Maidston...
Hidden profile image

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