Mental state/emotions and Bowels - Pelvic Radiation ...

Pelvic Radiation Disease Association

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Mental state/emotions and Bowels

RoseTyler profile image
9 Replies

Hiya everyone;

I wonder if any of you can relate? I had a horrible day at work on Friday. I am an Environmental Scientist and I had gone to a Site to check some monitoring Wells there. I go there every month and didn't expect that day to be any different. I always drive in the field out to the Wells (even in the rain.). However, we have had a lot of rain lately and though I thought I could still drive out to my Wells, it turns out I could NOT! It was saturated and I got my car stuck! The landowner came home and had an absolute apoplexy on me and it was an embarrassing faff that lasted 4 hours; with my colleague coming out to Site with his truck (and then getting stuck!), then my neighbour also coming to help (and getting his Truck stuck too!) until the Landowner's Farmer friend finally came with a Tractor to haul us all out of there! (We'd been trying to avoid using a Tractor as to not make more deep wheel ruts, but in the end, we left a right mess :/. ). However, I would have been happy just to stamp down the ruts with my Wellies, but the landowner was not satisfied with that. She wants it all landscaped and made tidy (even though it is all going to be dug up again in Spring for new housing estate :/. )

Anyway, the point of this long tale is that by the end of the day, I could feel my guts kicking off. :( I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast (which was only a slice of Sourdough bread), My bowels have been relatively stable for the last 3 weeks and I was enjoying not having to take any drugs as I was controlling it with diet. However, despite not having eaten anything untoward (and in fact hardly ate at all!), I had to leave Site as soon as possible and rush to the Loo in the Park in the next Village :o. I then drove a further few miles home and had to rush to the Loo again! I went 2 more times that night :/. I was so upset and embarrassed and wonder if that is why my bowels kicked off!

I have Autism and will struggle to ever recover from such a situation cos I felt so stupid and embarrassed. How do I control my guts when that sort of thing happens!? :o

Has anyone else experienced that sort of thing? I don't know how to control that! :o Take Loperamide as soon as anything bad happens!? Ack! :(

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RoseTyler profile image
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9 Replies
D_Cymro profile image

Rose - Sorry to hear of your very stressful day, and yes, I've found that my bowels (and all the rest of me) seem to know perfectly well how hard some mental experiences are. I think it's been shown that the body isn't just something that the mind uses to feed it and take it places - it's intimately connected to the mind, and when it suffers, so does the body, in sympathy almost. Even the bugs in your gut are connected to what's going on in the brain in some strange way apparently. So if we look after the body, the mind benefits, and vice versa. It goes without saying that PRD can make the situation much worse. I hope you don't have a day like that ever again!! Best

Blue_Hawaii profile image

I’m sorry you had a really bad day

I myself try most days to relax, knowing when I get stressed my body suffer for it

But when it’s out of your hands there’s no hope

It’s not easy

Sending you a big hug 🤗

Jimbo65 profile image

Hi Rose, Sounds like a really horrible day that took over your emotions as well as your body. I have found that stressful situations can cause my bowels to play up. I take imodeum every morning and evening along with a Vitamin B12 once a day. However when I'm going out for a day if it includes a meeting or something that will make me nervous I always take an extra imodeum. I also find deep breathing exercises help and do Pilates. It's worth finding someone who can help manage the anxiety to help when your radiated bowels play up. I really hope you can move forward from this episode. And DON'T feel embarrassed, it's not your fault. I tell people I have radiation damage from cancer treatment and they are so understanding. Deep breath and each day will make you more positive. We can't be responsible for others attitudes to what we do but we can be bold and strong in facing up to our hidden physical disability and talking openly about it helps others. You go girl. Xx

Perido profile image

Hi Rose

Great comments above.

Just to say I can relate; stress exacerbates my bowel issues and results in increased urinary retention (my cancer treatment resulted in a semi-paralysed bladder). I also have lymphoedema which doesn't seem to stand up well to stress.

I've been in quite a few situations where I've struggled to cope with certain types of behaviour; maybe there's a link here as I had a career in science - retired now.

I agree with Jimbo about telling people about our radiation damage. Also, I've done some voluntary awareness raising about various aspects of my cancer experience (e.g. the importance of cervical screening) , which I found to be a mentally rewarding and cathartic thing to do and has helped give me more insight into the 'human condition'

Virtual hugs x

Romian profile image
Romian in reply to Perido

Hi Perido, you mentioned something that intrigued me. Your lymphoedema reacts to stress. I have it too and haven't noticed anything similar. I just have to wear my compression stockings. And definitely my digestion reacts to stress. I'm very stressed right now trying to sell my house in order to move to France. I got terrible itching at my feet ankles. I tried all possible meds prescribed. No relief. It may be my immune system. Sorry this is off the subject.

Perido profile image
Perido in reply to Romian

Hi Romian

Sorry you're having a stressful time moving house; I can empathise.

I don't think I expressed myself too well regarding my lymphoedema and stress. I can't claim that I've noticed stress makes my lymphoedema swelling worse unless you count the few occasions I start eating junk food because of stress; I did notice a worsening of my ankle swelling the morning after pigging out on a large Chinese takeaway - I measure my ankle every morning!

However, I find lymphoedema very burdensome on a mental and physical level - it gets me down sometimes and more so if I get stressed. So really it's me, and the way I feel about and manage my lymphoedema, that doesn't stand up too well to stress.

I had itching in my calf in 2018. At the time I'd had lymphoedema for about year and my swelling was confined to my pubis and one groin/thigh. A few weeks after the itching started I developed swelling in my calf so, in my case, it seems it was a sign that the lymph vessels in my calf were struggling. With hindsight I wished I'd increased the compression below my knee, pronto.

I also get a bit of itching if I haven't moisturised my skin as much as I should. Also important to rinse compression garments well after washing.

Romian profile image
Romian in reply to Perido

Lymphoedema doesn't bother me too much, except when I broke my arm 3 yrs. ago and I couldn't put on my stocking. My leg swole a lot, so I had to have manual lymph drainage and wrapping. Last year I broke my wrist, same thing. But I healed fast. The itching according to the Drs is from an infection on contact. But I haven't been out of my house. So either I have a problem with laundry detergent or my immune system is low due to chemo/radiation. I think the latter is more likely. Interesting that Chinese food caused swelling, it must be the salt. I cook everything at home from scratch. But if I eat some fat or fiber, hello diarrhea.

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer

Rose,I can truly empathise with you. The same thing happens to me when I have a hospital appointment or an upset at home or a planned event. D_Cymro says it all. I have had a few days like that and expect a few more in the future.

It is so debilitating. Lock down was a blessing in disguise as we couldn't go anywhere!

Be kind to yourself and go equipped with pant liners, spare pants, loo seat cleaner - e.g Haloes etc. Plastic gloves can be handy too! I use Loperamide when I need to but then find I get constipated for a few days. Its a boom or bust situation.

Another problem can be irritable bladder and urethritis. Sudocreme can be a help if applied with a tissue after sponging with warm water.

I have had PRD for around 6 years now and it does not get any easier. Perido and Jimbo are very helpful too. Jimbo's comments brought a tear to my eye!

Big hug across the internet and accept your limitations for what they are - certainly not manageable by thought processes or change in diet. A "gut reaction " springs to mind!!

Jude the obscure

RoseTyler profile image

Thanks everyone! :) Re. telling people about my PRD though; my friends and family know of course, but I sure won't be telling an angry landowner who is shouting in my face that 'erm, excuse me, I need to rush off and do a poo!' 🤪 I try to laugh at this condition, but even I have my limits. 😳

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