Bowel flare up: Hi everyone. It's 3am... - Pelvic Radiation ...

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Bowel flare up

Ladyparts profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone. It's 3am here in Australia and, after 3.5 hours of laying in bed in pain, I've given up! Currently washing down oxycodone with tea and benefibre in anticipation of narcotic induced constipation... The joys of being so desperate you'll take anything!

Things had been going well this week and then BAM - nasty bowel and it's friend pelvic cramps returned with a vengeance today. My stomach is currently gurgling and howling like a pack of wolves as I sit here with wheatbag on lap wondering how I will get through work tomorrow.

I feel as though, despite having several bowel movements in a day, I'm still really constipated (??). How does that even work?! I look like a fully inflated jumping castle by 5pm. It's like I can't fully evacuate everything - and sorry for TMI, but I know this only because i will have the occasional 'clearance sale' event where I can't believe how exited my body all at once! Seriously, the things we have to share lol.

As an aside, I've noticed that I've been more stressed than usual and that my central nervous system seems to be 'racing' silently in the background. I just feel unsettled and am wondering if this is impacting my bowel and then the consequent pain as I tense up my body around it. My back is also out, so I question the impact of that on everything else, nerves, muscles etc. Ah, it's so complex!

When I get this kind of pain it seems to have a knock on effect, spreading into my pelvis, hips and lower back, and, without sleep, it gets worse! So it's a vicious cycle.

I would love to hear from others who have experienced similar - what did you do to manage it? I always feel so disappointed when I've been almost pain free for a week and then this happens.

Thank you x

#cervicalcancer #bowelpain #cramping #oxycodone #constipation #pelvic#pelvicpain #benefibre #overshare

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Ladyparts profile image
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18 Replies
SpaghettiBetty profile image

Oh gosh Ladyparts so sorry to hear your having a hard time.

The abdominal cramps are just the worse! I find heat is a really good pain reliever so hopefully your wheat bag will serve you well!

I know there is such a thing as being constipated but having diarrhoea at the same time, where basically there is a sort of partial blockage of hard poo and then ‘overflow’ of liquid poop 😟

Stress definitely impacts my bowel 😕 and things like poor sleep don’t help either. If like me you need a strong coffee (or three) to get through the day then caffeine just makes things worse.

If it were me I’d take the day off and give yourself a day of rest. Have you tried keeping a food diary to see if anything triggers episodes?

Hoping you get some rest, sending you a virtual hug ❤️

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to SpaghettiBetty

Thank you :) I did take the day off as you suggested! Also a good idea to start a food diary as I think some things have changed and my digestive system is playing a new and confusing game!

One thing I realised is that i probably had WAY too much fibre recently in the form of really grainy bread. I love it, but I don't think it loves me...hmm

Linderella2144 profile image
Linderella2144 in reply to Ladyparts

I am doing a very low fiber low residue diet right now and find it to be amazing, for the last 5 days I have had very little cramping and no diarrhea. I am sure as with everything else I have tried that it will sooner or later quit working but for now I am enjoying it.

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to Linderella2144

Great to hear it's working! I'm currently going through another flare, so need to try this. Let me know how you get on x

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer

So sorry to hear of your troublesome gut. Have you tried Hyoscine (Buscopan) for colic? one tiny pill will relieve my abdominal symptoms really well. it is prescribed by my GP and I only take it when really in trouble. Betty is right about constipation with "overflow"

Codeine based pain relief is not good news in that direction. Heat is great and I too have two wheaten cushions for such occasions. I have milled linseed on my porridge or shredded wheat and used to take Fibogel twice a day but find I don't need it any more.

Gradually increase the milled linseed from a teaspoon to a tablespoon to get used to it. Avoid onion family and cabbage, sprouts and such like! Make a note of what you can and can't tolerate food wise.

Mood is also a massive influence on our gut. It has its own nervous system and responds to anxiety and worry in a big way.

I did a course on meditation a few years ago and found it really helpful.

like you I can go days with unsatisfactory evacuation of stool , then suddenly I am "going for England"!!

Be kind to yourself! Your gut is in need of a rest!

lol Jude

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to jude-the-obscure

Thanks Jude. You've just reminded me to take my benefibre tonight! Thanks!

Yes, pain relief is a nightmare when it comes to binding you up. Endone really does a number on me. I find that if the constipation thing goes on too long, the muscles and nerves in my pelvis start to join in and suddenly I've got a whole lot of pain - cue painkillers- cue more constipation. Its a vicious cycle!

janfarrugia profile image

I am so sorry. I feel so blessed as I don’t have your level of pain or anything like it. I can only offer empathy - nothing constructive. So sorry

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to janfarrugia

Thank you Jan x

I hear your pain and frustration and hopelessness! i experience same. perhaps you are experiencing small bowel partial obstructions. Mine started in 2011 (4 years after treatment) and the frequency was once or twice a month. Now they are weekly, ongoing and hard to determine if they ever really clear. I used to have severe attacks requiring morphine and gravol for the vomiting. Initially, i used to end up in emergency for rehydration and IV pain meds. Now i avoid all fibre (fruits, veg, legumes, grains) Mostly eat protein and some fats. I still have belly bloating, watery diarrhea many days but don't get the severe abdominal cramping requiring pain meds. I just discovered the Wurn Physical Therapy technique at in US and i believe they are in UK as well. I am planning to go there for treatment in San Diego. The testimonials are so similar to my life and story they made me cry. I have lived this way so long i didn't realize how disrupted my life and thinking had become. I plan and coordinate my life around restricting food intact to engage in activities and social events and travel just to avoid bowel attacks or diarhea events. Hope this helps to read this. Hugs

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to accidentalcarnivore

Gosh, it sounds like you've had an awful run! I'm sorry to hear. The Wurn technique sounds interesting - keep us posted and best of luck x

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer

Small bowel obstruction is pretty rare thankfully and you need to be properly diagnosed before you make such drastic changes to your diet! A doctor could tell by listening to your bowel sounds with a stethoscope or taking X rays of the abdomen. Vomiting is also a feature of bowel obstruction and should ring alarm bells. See a doctor immediately if you start vomiting!

Bloating and cramps are often related to certain food groups and a good dietician would be able to help you with that.

Social events and travel have ground to a halt here in the UK as we are in Lock down again at present due to Covid.

If I cannot see her I talk to my dietician on the phone!

Keeping a food diary is very helpful. Soluble fibre like milled linseed and porridge oats are helpful and nutritious.

Take care


Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to jude-the-obscure

Thanks Jude. I think it's time to talk to a dietician for sure

Skellige profile image
SkelligeCommunity Pioneer

I’m late to respond, as it happens because I too have been laid up with the ghastly bowel cramps (plus vomiting and sweating as a bonus), and just better now. I won’t go int the effect that has on haemorrhoids - a gift from my first born’s delivery thirty years ago!

One thing I experience, which is a sure fire catalyst for me, is wearing anything even slightly constricting round my waist or stomach. Even sitting forward at a table or in the car for too long can set off a bout. I wear old lady jeans with elastic waists, maternity jeans or dungarees, tights two sizes up and lace-fronted underwear to reduce any pressure. Do you have similar issues?

I have to add my own experience is that stress really does play a part, though it can be very difficult to pinpoint exactly how. I used to be resentful when my dad pointed it out, as it seemed to suggest that made partly my fault. There’s nothing more annoying than some smug person suggesting camomile tea and some yoga will fix things.

However....I have found basic yoga stretches and relaxation podcasts can’t hurt.

Anyway, I hope you are well over your attack now. It’s great to have a forum where you can genuinely share gastric details! I find it impossible to tell my family at times, but don’t you just want to describe it??..😏

Picauville profile image

Hello there, sorry I’m late to reply, haven’t been on the site for a while. I hope your unpleasant symptoms have abated since.

After chemo, brachy and radio for cervical cancer I have had bowel flare-ups fairly regularly. Eventually I was diagnosed with SIBO - small intestine bacterial overgrowth. It presents as severe cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating, lower back pain, and bloating. Some symptoms vary and are sometimes worse than others. I am wiped out by these attacks and take to my bed with heat pads and a nearby loo!

But in my case I have thankfully found relief. My gastroenterologist prescribed an antibiotic called Rifaximin and it works - quickly! It’s not licensed for this use so I need the cooperation of my GP, but I have been able to manage the condition for about seven years now. I am also very careful with my diet and stick to a very low fat intake, but that’s because of bile-acid malabsorption.

I’ve told you my story just to suggest another possible route to explore, which might bring relief. I know how grateful I am to have these pills, and know that I couldn’t function properly otherwise.

I wish you relief and success in your quest!

Ladyparts profile image
Ladyparts in reply to Picauville

Thanks so much. Will keep this in mind! So frustrating trying to understand what is going v on with our bodies sometimes!

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer

I had a breath test several years ago to check for small bowel overgrowth of bacterial flora - and thankfully it was negative. I also had an MRI of small bowel to check for damage - also negative ( unpleasant procedure as I had to drink litres of aniseed flavoured drink - contrast medium) and when they laid me on my tummy I had to leap off the table to go to the loo! Surprise surprise! The gastroenterologist ordered these tests and it was good to get the all clear re small bowel function.

Sigmoid colon scarred and twisted which is where my problem lies. Radiotherapy is better targeted these days and can avoid the bowel wall to some extent I believe.

All avenues worth exploring.


Ladyparts profile image

Aniseed flavoured contrast sounds awful! No wonder you had a loo run!

Thank you for passing on info about the tests you had. Its hard to know what avenues are available.

Sorry to hear that radiation did some damage to your sigmoid colon. It does a good job of destroying cancer - if only it stopped there :(

RoseTyler profile image

I totally feel your pain! You can go weeks or even months and be fine, and then BOSH, all the shit happens at once (literally! :o )

Sometimes there's no reason, it's just PRD :/ .

Isn't it just ridiculous how much we have to think about poo!? :(

Good luck getting it sorted! I tend to just OD on Loperamide if I know I have to travel, work or won't have easy access to a Loo.

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