Make up.. : If women didn't wear make... - Positive Wellbein...

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Make up..

179 Replies

If women didn't wear make up, what difference would it make?

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179 Replies

We would never leave the house LOL 😁

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Why not? 😀

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I wouldn't want to scare people 🤪

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I don't think make up solves that problem 😅😉

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Why have you tried yourself lol 😁

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Oh, yes it does. Lol❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

So without it you are not confident? 😊

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Makeup sometimes makes me feel more confident, but it can also make others assume I’m confident when I’m not. It helps present myself as a different person when necessary, also likened to the necessity of wearing certain clothes for certain reasons. Men and women alike. It’s making a statement about yourself. To go as far as why you drive the car you do, or decorate your house in a certain way, on and on...I think I might be getting to serious about what should be a light hearted subject. Most of my life, I wouldn’t check my mail without my makeup on. Luckily, I’ve been more relaxed about it and don’t feel it’s necessary to be perfect all the time. Big stress reliever. Priorities change, and in this case, for the better. Thank you for asking...❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

That all makes sense..

Thanks for the reply it was very informative.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

My great pleasure. Your post was a fun one to start my morning with. It’s three forty a.m. here.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

Three forty, why aren't you sleeping?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

I have to throw in the towel after about four hours of tossing and turning. Just have to roll with it and try to make up (no pun intended) for it during the day. No worry.❤️

in reply to Isinatra

One of those nights!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

One of many. And you?❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

I've had my fair share.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

So many kindred spirits on this site. ❤️

in reply to Isinatra

Yes, I think there are many of us on here.

in reply to Isinatra

So u agree they are cute?

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

I’m lost here. Who are cute, kindred spirits? Kittens are cute. Lol❤️🏄‍♀️

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Spot on. But I’m more concerned about traumatizing children. ❤️🏄‍♀️

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to Isinatra

😂 Me too!

in reply to

I don't wear much make up but one good thing about masks I have more days were u don't bother at all and not going anywhere but park,😷

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But if you didn't wear any, what difference would it make to you?

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I don't feel as confident I like to look my best I guess in vane well I know I am not as much as was I like looking at myself in the mirror better too just gives bit colour ill see if can find picture I once did a post called how to look good without make up lol

in reply to

Did you look good without it?

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I don't wear much my eye lashes are naturally dark unlike my hair lol which has changed I'm allergic to mascara makes eyes water I was told I don't look much different without it I miss my pink lipstic lol I even used to put it on with mask lol but I gradually stopped wearing everything except bit of eye liner I sometimes put bit blusher on I look very pale in winter I'll get a photo

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Just letting pixie in and need to message my niece see if her n kids are in park early so I can wave 😊❄️❄️

in reply to

I don't need to wear make up now check my avatar photo apparently I am now a horse owner lord Barrington check mad bunny's post Barrington house if you can cope with any more COVId craziness that is 😴🤔🌛😁🐴

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply to

I've been waiting all my life to be told I have to wear a mask 😂

in reply to BTCCET

LOL I think I'll continue wearing mask forever won't have to have face lift or wear make up lol 🤪or dentist so many benefits are you feeling better today I'm just letting pixie in xx

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to BTCCET

Quite fond of mine too I have to say!😁

The difference is huge.1. We will look exactly like u guys

2. We will look younger, way younger. Ever seen a woman without fake hair and make up? They look very very young unless makeup has already done the demage.

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If you don't wear make up you will look like a man.. Lol I don't think so!

in reply to

Oh we will, do u know how cute u guys are?

in reply to

You won't, believe me.


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😂😂😂 U are making me laugh here. I have brothers who are so cute u will think they are girls and if you put makeup on, they'll be hot u won't even see it was a man but ur muscles negate the whole feminine side

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So your brothers look like females then, not men..


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They just look gud but the muscles and beared in them just destroy the whole beauty part which separate them from us. Not that u guys are not beautiful, in fact ur muscles are sexy.

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So we have girls faces but the beards and muscles ruin it.. 🤔🙄😉

Fair enough.. 😊

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Which is what creates the attraction but pretty much yes, ur muscles and beared ruin things. Remember Eve came from Adam which means they looked like twins but one had muscles and beared. Does that make sense?

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Yes in a way it does, not the Adam and eve stuff though.

I will agree that some men (especially the ones that you know) look like women.. 😅

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So u agree that u guys look gud?

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In what way?

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I think u are a man's man because you don't seem to agree that u guys are cute. I wish u could see you guys in women's eyes. Iv never seen beautiful creatures like men.

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You are right, women are cute, men are not.

But each to their own 😀

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Are u saying u'v never seen a cute guy?

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On ho Jimtom. U are bad bad bad because to me you guys are very beautiful. I am not yet talking about you guys showing bad personality as Sinatra has mentioned but I seriously love the way u guys look

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At the end of the day even the cutest handsomest prettiest man woman if there personalities horrible they don't look that nice anymore and vise versa hence true beauty comes from within 😊

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That's great, to me you guys are very beautiful..

I didn't bring up personalities, I was responding to someone who did.

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My nephew is cute but hes very handsome and manly too he has a cheeky cute grin and he had the cutes nose when a bit it got bigger as he got older and now he's very handsome 😊

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U know what? If u take a sister and a brother and cut their hair and just look at their faces, u will see what I am talking about especially when they are still kids

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Kids are different though.

Me and my sister look like we are related, but I don't look feminine and she doesn't look masculine.. Every family is different though.

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But there is that resemblance. U are just hating on men

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The resemblance is because we both come from the same parents.

Why would I hate on men, I am one.


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U just don't see beauty in yourself but I guese many men are like that. Sometimes I hear my brothers speak like u and I think it a man thing. I guese this is what attracts us to one another tho

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Seeing beauty in myself isn't the same as seeing it in another man, I've seen myself for almost 52 years, that makes a difference.

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I guese that makes sense. I want us to agree to disagree in this matter bcz I think we are seeing this from a man/woman point of view which will never make sense to the other. U see us as beautiful and I will not deny that coz I am able to see another beautiful woman even tho I am not attracted to them but I guese you can't see beauty in another man.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

No way, for me, do beards and muscles ruin it. What ruins it is the unveiling of a bad personality after they open their mouth. Looks suck me in, until the other shoe drops. Just saying...❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

The personality is important.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to


in reply to Isinatra

I agree. But do u know what Sinatra? The reason there are so many breakups is because of how beautiful humans are until they start showing their true colurs. If we could see people's souls(personalities) in an instant, no one would date another. It is the beautiful image that draws us to each other. Yes beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but that beauty u see is what draws to another until that true color comes out and then we see ugliness

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

You said it so well.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

But u do agree with me that they look absolutely beautiful? Jimtom refuses to see the truth... Jeezzz

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

I certainly enjoy looking at a beautiful man, but I don’t assume he’s a jerk just because he’s handsome. ❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

Me too. Do u know my sister never dates cute guys? I don't know if it an old school thing thinking that cute guys will automatically hurt her. U won't believe she does not date anymore bcz all those ugly ugly guys have hurt her so much. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what u consider beauty I myt not but I must be sure u are cute in my eyes even though a personality now comes first because I am a bit older and have seen my share of whatever. I have never dated a guy who was not cute in my eyes. One thing I have seen, cute or not cute, if they discipline themselves from women throwing themselves at them,, then I likey likey

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

When I was MUCH younger, I was afraid to even attempt to flirt with a cute guy, cause I assumed he could date anyone he wanted and I was the last person on his list. I learned that I was wrong about that. Men can be just as insecure about themselves as women, no matter how good looking they are. I’ve seen so many beautiful women pile on the makeup because they don’t feel beautiful or smart enough,etc. It’s a shame, but true.❤️🏄‍♀️

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So true but it's so hard to find a soul mate so to speak as even nice people can be so irritating and annoying and this can bring out a horrid side like me I'm very placid but have a temper brought out by certain innocent traits like egample my mam never stops talking not to me but a running commentary on most of what she's doing like oh I'll get a tea towel to dry the pots it's ok but all day long I loose my temper and say do you have to tell me everything , she even said oh I know it must be arful and I know someone who I love a good friend who constantly interrupts conversation and gives a wrong answer guesses wrong 🤯I think I'll be on my own forever even pixie drives me mad sometimes he meows a lot and trips me up I just want a bit of peace thank god for my park 😴🤔🌛🤗

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You tell us everything 😅

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I know I need to stop 😁seriously I guess I'm turning into my mother and need to stop talking so much well typing at least no one recognises me now no wonder most people on here use false names and not a photo of themselves yet some do at first I had photo on of pixie hiding my face and my name was pixie Jane I changed it as I'd said too much about myself on another site I was on, something upset me on news last night a bloke from my town was a sexual weirdo and he murderd a young girl not sure if you saw it on news I was on a internet date site few years ago and I had a bit of a stalker 🙄need to check on pix it's freezing out there 😊

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See in one post you have moved from the subject onto 2 or 3 other things 😂

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What just one post 😁I saw lovely sun rise today but couldn't get it from bedroom window properly I must get walking out with pixie he's been too restless in a night and meows all the time he's awake for food he's too fat what are you doing today 🤔❄️

in reply to

Let the cat out on its own if its to fat, cats like to be on their own to hunt etc.

Ill wash my car and do some housework.

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Pixies still got bad chest from his cold and he's needy and he suffers from seperation anxiety lol he's like a dog his dad was a Bengal he's so not like a normal cat I'm cutting down on here as it's making my eyes go funny have a good day 😊❄️❄️🙀

in reply to

How's it making your eyes go funny?

in reply to Isinatra

That very funny Sinatra. I think u have been hurt by them and u just don't see beauty in them anymore

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

My worse hurt was with a man who I never considered was pretty. I can’t categorize how a relationship might go by how a person looks. I have been SO wrong.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

Ur responses does reflect that they have done some damage. Listen to this, I don't want to be hurt by someone who does not look the way I consider cute beaucase I gained nothing. Appearance does not do much yes granted but I must look at you and say, u'v hurt me but Damm u look gud in my eyes. Imagine being hurt by one who does not even impress u, u gained nothing. Just joking guys. Hurting someone changes how they look

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

I have to say that just because a relationship didn’t work out that I had been damaged. They were more of learning experiences. Didn’t realize I was coming across like I had been damaged. That word implies a pretty strong emotion response. I’ll have to do some introspection later when I’m fully awake, which I’m approaching pretty fast.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

I get u Sinatra. That word does sound strong I did not even realize it myself. My bad, I should have used a better one. I thought ur response reflected some degree of hurt but i didn't realized the choice of word was strong. I'm sorry again u are right in saying that we learn from them because we don't repeat the mistakes again.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

I can say I’ve been hurt, and with some reflection, possibly damaged to some degree since there can be degrees of damage. But it’s o.k. If I had been damaged by that particular situation, it’s a lot less than other situations I’ve had. I’m getting too serious again. I need more sleep. Don’t want to be a Debbie Downer.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

I had a crush on a very handsome guy well a few in my time but as time went on I didn't fancy them anymore so to speak as there personalities were false and they were mysogynist the worst kind of man there could be I always picked wrong ones hard to tell with them Jekyl n Hyde types 🤔

in reply to

Unfortunately Curly appearance does deceive especially when u are still young. It is when we are older that we care much about the inside because of youth experiences. Many of us have made wrong choices bcz of appearances. I usually say that when we start studying their characters first, that when we are grown

in reply to

So true I'm looking for something else now more if a kindred spirit I used to go for looks realise now too late I let too many good guys go as they weren't perfect physicaly even only liked blue eyes I was so shallow I'm still a bit now tho more about my own appearance 😢good night xx

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to

My biggest crush was on a gay man who I worked with . He had impeccable manners , smelt divine , beautiful clothes and hair . I wanted him to like me . When I saw his partner I thought I am never going persuade him but he was my ideal .

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Some women have beards and rashes lol 😁I'll put photo on of me with no make up

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And some men don't have beards or rashes 😅

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Rashes where's your rash 😁😁here's me no make up check your typing error

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What are you waffling about now 😅

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I'll put recent one on no make up lol

in reply to

Of course you did.. 😅

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to


Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

Aww, where or where did all that innocence go?!😁

in reply to Niao

We were innocent until came on this site 🤯right I'm off I keep checking sky still blue only odd tiny cloud have a good day 😊❄️🌞xxx

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

You're 'off' alright, only kidding! Me too, 'see' you later. Don't be feeding those squirrels too much!

in reply to Niao

Oh no as fat as pixie that squirell sure likes his nuts lol 😁😁❄️❄️

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

Like yourself dear !😁

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

You’re cheating! All girls are pretty at that age!❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to

That a cutee one. See no make up on but u gud luking. U still have a Pic of u that small? 😱😱😱 I don't have any

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to

Dare I ask why you don’t have any photos of when you were that young ? School photos perhaps

in reply to Rosepetal60

Oh yes, school photos I do have, it just the photos from when I was a baby, that I don't have. Perhaps parents did not bother to keep

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to

Think not many Baby photos taken years ago. Cameras and cost of developing expensive back in the fifties. Became more popular in the sixties

in reply to Rosepetal60

Then my parents were super lazy coz I am of the early 80's

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to

It maybe, that it didn’t occur to them. I have a distant friend that thought it odd when I took photos of people and friends and actually said to her lodger, that I liked taking photos, it was said in an apologetic way. Friend never took photos & that was 20 years ago.

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That funny, but it true. The difference is that we can see ur Pic and blv me, u are a woman, incase u are not sure😂😂

Niao profile image

A lot!

in reply to Niao

Good advise, this is not a mascara but paint

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

It's what I look like after putting on mascara, my eyesight's not what it once was!😁

in reply to Niao

My eyes are really sensitive to it I find bit foundation protects my skin from harsh weather and keeps it moist in fact I'm.going to make myself pretty today and put my frosted pink lipstic on and smile at some nice men in park lol must get ready now catch you later don't over do it on here Yul get addicted again lol I'm still working on my addiction your not helping me 😁xxx

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

Vice versa!😄

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

As much as I cut back on wearing makeup, I still hold true to my pink frosted lipstick!

in reply to

Really.. I'm sure u scary kids off. This is awful😂😂

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to


in reply to Niao

Me with no makeup lol I forgot to warn him about you he thinks I'm crazy wonder why 😁bit eyeliner

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to

Beautiful! Inside and out!😊

in reply to Niao

Thank you you are very beautiful 🤗

Niao profile image
Niao in reply to


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What about the bottom bit?


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I wear thermal long John's 🤗

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The bottom of your face.

Isinatra profile image

Sorry, jimtom, have we ladies crowded you out?❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

No one can talk like women. He is a patient man blv me

in reply to Isinatra

Makes a change for bazzak he's very quiet he's probably lerking around and peeping as he does and will pop up when least expected it 😊

in reply to Isinatra

No, I had things to be doing.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Yes, still have to pay attention to life.❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

If i didnt have things to do id go insane.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Roger that.❤️🏄‍♀️

S11m profile image

Do girls (and ladies) wear lipstick under their masks?Is the cosmetics industry suffering from CoViD?

in reply to S11m

That a funny one, never really thought about that👌👌

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to S11m

I wore lipstick when I first started wearing masks until I realized the futility in it. So far I haven’t been caught with my mask down. Lol❤️🏄‍♀️

in reply to Isinatra

Me too I did today as popped in shop after my walk 😁

All in all Jimtom, thank u for this distraction. U made my day.. Time out

in reply to

Do come again.. 😀😀

It was fun chatting with you.

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Sure I will, talking is my gift😋😋

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I noticed 😂

To people in general..

Lotus-Blossom profile image

My make up makes me feel good and gives me confidence when I leave the house. I wouldn't be without it.

in reply to Lotus-Blossom

You have tried without it?

Lotus-Blossom profile image
Lotus-Blossom in reply to

I have but I tend to act differently when I don't have make-up on. I love my make-up as I enjoy experimenting with it with different looks.

But to each of their own.

in reply to Lotus-Blossom

Yes, each to their own. 😊

The beauty industry would go bust or I should say bankrupt, but maybe they would make a fortune in fashion thermals instead :D

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Fashion thermals?

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oh yeh :D

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What are they? 😄

Alb2 profile image

I think the Khardashians would go out of business!😂Seriously though, BC (before Covid) I liked to wear light makeup just because I thought it made me look just a bit improved but I’ve grown to really love my natural look and I have found it quite liberating to wear a mask and I truly can’t remember the last time I even missed wearing mascara. As Curly says, true beauty comes from within. Lots of yoga and plenty of hydration for me and I’m happier with how I look now than when I was younger. Do you not think though that society kind of drives this obsession with how the female species should look? I mean, what are all plumped lips and thick eyebrows about amongst so called ‘celebrities’? Nah. It’s au natural for me😊

in reply to Alb2

That's sort of what I was thinking when I started the post, do people war make up because of society, if beauty comes from withing then why wear make up.

Alb2 profile image
Alb2 in reply to

Ah Grasshopper, that is the age old question. Is it worn for others or ourselves? It is interesting though that during the 17th and 18th centuries, the men wearing it probably more than the women in the high society of the time😂

in reply to Alb2

Men wore it into battle years ago, sometimes its all they wore into battle.

Yes 17th and 18th century men wore it along with those wigs etc. 😅

Alb2 profile image
Alb2 in reply to

Yes. In battle I guess to make some sort of statement. Bit like some of the American indigenous tribes. Not for nothing is make up also known as war paint😂😂

in reply to Alb2

The celts did it to apparently, I'm a celt, glad there are no battles around these days 😅

Alb2 profile image
Alb2 in reply to

I too am from a Celtic heritage Jim! We are descended from woad daubers Haha

in reply to Alb2

Really 😅

It's a bit chilly for the old battling these days 😅

Alb2 profile image
Alb2 in reply to


Roxylox55 profile image

I only wear makeup on very special occasions e.g wedding. Did wear it for my eldest daughter's graduation last November. It was for the photos, couldn't go for meal cos of lockdown. Felt it did suit me. I couldn't wear it regularly, it wouldn't feel natural on my face. I like to keep my skin natural, would have sensitive skin anyway. Makeup would not make me feel more confident.

in reply to Roxylox55

You did it for the occasion then.

Roxylox55 profile image

Yes, I do think l look pale in photos. Absolutely hate posing for photos. Don't think I'm too bad looking, but to be honest rarely look in the mirror. Maybe that makes me unusual?

in reply to Roxylox55

That you don't look in mirrors..

I don't know.

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Roxylox55

I don’t know, as I don’t look in mirrors every day, a quick glance every now and again.

Roxylox55 profile image
Roxylox55 in reply to Rosepetal60

Of course I would have a quick glance, but not often at all. I see from your profile you are from the UK, so it's probably as late there as here, I'm from Ireland. I think I'm becoming fairly addicted to this site!

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Roxylox55

I am addicted to this site, but don’t visit every day as trying to sort out my clutter . How lovely that you are from Ireland. I’m very fond of it. Have had many a happy holiday there from an early age. Goodness you are right, just looked at the time, I must make a move upstairs !

Hb2003 profile image

If women didn’t wear makeup then it would show their true beauty . I only wear makeup at weddings or at parties . I think that natural beauty is true beauty 😊

Another good post can't wait for your next one you certainly bring the crowds in depends on time of day too some posts get lost in morning I think afternoon prib better I'm off to sleep good night or morning 😴🌛❄️🐴🐴🐴🐴

Adlon57 profile image

About a quarter of American tv could not exist!🙄🙃👍

If I didn’t wear any it would probably save me so much time but on the other hand it gives me a little confidence. Confidence to face things on a daily basis. I don’t think I’m ugly (no one is physically ugly in my eyes), but I also enjoy the ritual of putting it on and it can be enjoyable to play around with colours to express yourself. I do like natural looking make up but occasionally I will wear bright colours. Makeup makes me feel “together”.

Why do you think that?

in reply to

I think I'll delete it it doesn't make sense a bad joke sorry

in reply to

What did it mean then?

in reply to

Like you said ive lost the plot 🤡

Niao profile image


Rosepetal60 profile image

I’m struggling to answer this question because I don’t often wear make up. On the occasions when I do wear it such as going out for a meal or going to a wedding, reunion meet up etc, it would only be eyebrow pencil and lipstick.

in reply to Rosepetal60

It must make some kind of a difference then..

Rosepetal60 profile image

I wouldn’t know, I suppose it must, the lipstick doesn’t stay on for long for some reason.

in reply to Rosepetal60

Eating and drinking maybe removing it?

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to

It’s gone long before that. Although if I bother/ remember to put a liner on first, that helps.

in reply to Rosepetal60

I don't even know what a liner is 😀

Rosepetal60 profile image

It’s a pencil, very similar in appearance to a crayon 🖍.comes in different pink & red colours. So this goes on the lips first, can be tricky as the point can break off easily, it’s fairly soft .One can make ones lips more defined with a lip liner with shaping them a bit more if needs be!

Good morning Jimtom. So since I retired from the NHS May 2019 I tend not to wear much make up anymore. Not that I wore a lot a bit of lippy and mascara. Occasionally though I wear some lipstick enhance my looks 🤣🤣🤣🤣. So this was me on Saturday just about to go out for my run no makeup at all. I’m 63

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits

I am 60 . I only wear make up if I am

going out , out . I seem to look like a clown with the full monty on or get used to wearing it then look so washed out without it so now it’s a dab of SPF moisturiser and that’s me for the day .

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits

I was told my son was too photogenic to be a boy .

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