Has anyone ever met anyone famous? Good or bad? 🤷♀️
Here’s a random thought I had 🤔 - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Here’s a random thought I had 🤔

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Yes JLS years ago at a special wish day when I was 17.
Wow that must have been special xx
Yes, I met and sang with Paul Robeson at the Miners Eisteddfod in Porthcawl, inthe 1950s, South Wales. I was 13 years old. He was very tall, gentle giant. I still love listening to him singing Old Man River with that unique voice he had. I have such fond memories of a truly lovely man.
Wow that’s a claim to fame 😊
Oh i envy you.what a voice. I still watch the film to listen to old man river.
Wow, wow, and wow!! How wonderful! 🙏😊👍👍

Thank you. I was in awe too!
I met someone reasonably famous in the late 60s but I doubt any of you will have heard of him, it was Count Prince Miller (real name Clarence Linberg Miller) who was in Jimmy James and The Vagabonds.
No I don’t know who that is but others will. x
I also met the Move (original band), at Bath Pavilion, we were with the supporting group.
Heard of the band but don't know the names of individuals
Initially, it was Roy Wood, Carl Wayne (who died too young), Chris Kefford (who was known as Ace), Bev Bevan and Trevor Burton.
When I was at college in Bournemouth, my then boyfriend used to "roadie" for the bands at Poole Arts Centre, I used to go as well and rig the lighting systems. All the bands were really friendly I met The Specials, The Jam, Clash, The Stranglers, The Undertones ….. I showed Annie Lennox to and from her "dressing room" when she and Dave Stewart played our graduation ball as The Tourists! She was really nice
Before I was cool, I snogged Patrick Mower at an opening of a wine bar in Ealing in about 1976!!
Come on all 'Fess up!! xx
Wow you have met quite alot of famous people then! x
He was quite a famous actor back then wasn't he?
More recently, yes I think so, but I remember him from numerous (forgettable) cop series! He definitely thought a lot of himself !! I was also really into rugby and met the Lions team from 1975/6 (?) when they played Coventry in a charity match. that was big for me at the time! Haha! xx
I also went out with the bassist of a group called The Jags, they had a top 10? With I’ve got your number written on the back of my hand, which was written about me! Oh the infamity!! 😂😂😂 xx
Haha Really? I love that song. Cool. I've got that song stuck in my head now....HELP! x
It seems we have all met a famous person!
My mum had a best friend (Ellen Burfield) and her son was Charles Dance who I met a couple of times as a child, one if the programmes he started in was The Jewell in the Crown.
I met Ken Dodd in 1989. Myself and some friends were walking out of a local pub as he was walking in. I also served Bobby Robson (same year i think) in a restaurant i was working in. He was there with his mum. When he left he gave me a £5 tip, i was ecstatic, i had never had a big tip there like that before! £5 was alot of money in those days
I started to reply about Ken Dodd and then thought that really he’s quite wrong, so I Diddyn’t! Only meant in fun btw 😘 A fiver?!! Wow! He has always struck me as a nice person, not so affected by fame etc ...
Would be nice if it was like that these days 😊 xx
I know you only meant it in fun 😘
Yeah Bobby Robson was lovely. The funny thing was that when he walked into the restauraunt, my boss said to me, make sure you are really nice to him and make sure he gets everything he wants. So i said of course but who is he? I didn't even know until she told me. I asked for his autograph and when i got home i gave it to my brother. He still has it to this day! xx
That’s really cute 💕 xx
How has your day been? Xx
I have been trying to keep myself busy and moving about as in danger of being too sedentary ! I succeeded! I am changing the spare room into a hobby room atm, today I scrubbed the window frames and re-caulked them, ready for paint tomorrow and washed some of the floor! My lodger was not the cleanest and it’s been a bit yucky, but after 6 months with the windows open, the spare room is starting not to smell as much! 😂😘👍😊🙌🏻😁xxAnd what have you been up to?!! Sorry I am rabbiting tonight, soz 😘😘 xx
Awww that'll be good changing it into a hobby room What sort of things were you thinking of putting in there? At least you can get the room back to how it was before!
I should have had my decorator round to paint my hallway today but he can't come until tomorrow now. It should be finished tomorrow with a bit of luck, then i've had all the rooms painted! I use to do alot of my own painting years ago but unfortunately i need help with so much now, which is frustrating at times.
Anyway i think i better get to bed now. I hope you have a good sleep. Talk soon 💤💤😘😘 xx
Actually, the room has only been free these last 6 months, as my son lived with me before I got the lodger, so it's a bit strange having so much space! I will gather all the bits from around the house, freeing up cupboard and drawer space Things like my sewing machine (which was my mother's and is older than I am!), my wool and needle stash and a whole chest of drawers full of paint, glue, pens, paper, card ……. etc!! I also need to put some of my million+ houseplants in there
I used to decorate for a living (which I don't think did my lungs any favours!) and loved it, but as you say, it's not so easy these days, so I get the guy I used to work with to do it for me (and then perfect it myself!!). I hope you get your hallway done today, what colour have you gone for? xx
Hi. I am a massive fan of the X-Files. I travelled to America three times because of the show. I met the two stars, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson and I also met the show's creator and showrunner, Chris Carter. I saw David in a play in New York. He came out to meet the fans after every performance, even when he wasn't feeling very well. I also met him in London three times. All of these experiences were wonderful. I got to thank Chris Carter for a show that truly changed my life. Gillian Anderson couldn't believe that I had flown from the UK to Los Angeles for the event. She is tiny - actually the same height as me. I got to shake hands with David Duchovny and I had a hug with him, (on separate occasions.) David was very impressed with a photo I asked him to sign which was a pic of him that I had taken previously. Since he must see so many pics of himself, I am very proud that he liked the one that I took myself.
I might never have visited New York and Los Angeles if not for the show.
The memories are very special to me.
Gosh Marnie! You were/are such a fan! And to travel like that to meet your idols👍Flipping good on you babe!! And then to actually meet them and gain such a rapport and memories from them! Wonderful!👍👍😘 xx
Thank you. I had a few people tell me I was mad to travel to New York on my own, but when I am determined, nothing stops me!
I did learn from those experiences that it's a good idea not to put stuff off: I couldn't do those things now, not just because of Covid, but because of my brain injury. You really never know what life will throw at you.
Even more respect! You went on your own?!! 😎🤩🙌🏻 Amazing 😊 xx
I was in high school, when Don Revie was in charge at Leeds United, quite a few of his young squad were in lodgings across the road from our house. One of them was Eddie Gray, a really nice bloke, who ended up marrying one of my school friends. They still live locally.
I bet that was interesting seeing them all coming and going opp your house.
I remember them. My kid brother was a Leeds fan although me and my older brothers were Sheff Utd supporters.
Where did you live? I was born in holbeck not far from Elland Road could hear game from street. I moved to Roundhay when I was 11 and one of players mum's lived round corner but can't remember his name, might have been Paul Madley. Don Revie was a god to Leeds fans.
Hi CP, I lived in Moortown and went to Allerton High School. I think the lady who lodged the young players was called Mrs Wynn. Yes Don Revie was a god at the time. Linda (now Grey) and I used to go to swimming club on Friday nights at Roundhay school. Eddie Grey would sometimes meet us and walk us home. He probably wished I wasn't there!
I knew a few people who went to allerton high......but don't ask me their names I'm terrible with names. I like your tale of Eddie Grey but he obviously got the girl in the end. I went to Braimwood high school at side of Roundhay park and we often went for a swim in outdoor pool in our lunch hour, though we wern't supposed to. We'd come back with wet hair or that obviously looked as just been towelled dry and when asked if gone swimming would say no miss!! Used to spend most of summer hols in there shame it was vandalised and had to be shut down.
Ive not really met anyone that famous. Phil plays in a local band and did a gig at a private members club in London a few years ago. In the break someone made a speech and I went to the stage and looked out at all the people and there were several people from 4 weddings and a funeral in the crowd which was a surprise! Although I dont know there names and also James Nesbitt was there.
I met Rick Stein once and had a photo with him. My ex husband said to him can you wait there while I get my camera and Rick said yes but what he didnt know was that the camera was a 10 minute walk each way back to the car. Dont think he was very pleased and it was embarrassing haha! I cringe when I think of it 😂
Also although they are not that famous I used to work with Dom out of steph and Dom the posh ones from gogglebox.
When I went to porta pollenca about 4 years ago i kept seeing Chris Tarrant around the bars and restaurants who had his yacht moored nearby.
When I was a teenager I met Con O'Neill and got his signature on a one pound note in case he ever became very famous. Which he didnt. Although he was in a drama on tv recently.
I think that's it but I'll keep thinking 😃
I met Martha Reeves and Freda Payne in Ronnie Scott’s . Martha was lovely, Freda was very offhand. Also Heather Small.
In sport I met Gary Player in South Africa in 1977 and Phil ( The Power) Taylor several times because he sponsored our business driving one of our cars.
Oh and Matt Busby ! He and his wife Jean were good friends with my best friend’s parents.
When I managed a pub in soho I served the kray twins who came into the bar with Diana Dors. I didn't know about them at the time.
Wow, that is a fantastic post.
My husband was a rugby club member in South Wales. He lived a few doors away from Burton when they were young. Burton bought Taylor to the club years later and my husband never forgot her beautiful eyes,
Very interesting question! I’ve met many famous people, and was lucky to study music, with several famous people. Luciano Pavarotti, and Placido Domingo, with their larger than life personalities, and great voices, were great to talk to. They are people, just like the rest of us. Meeting several famous hockey players, was great, too! All were very personable. Being an extra, in a movie, with several famous movie stars, was quite the experience for me! A couple were a bit standoffish, but most were nice! I have performed music, with several famous conductors, and singers, and I learned a lot about professionalism. So, that has been my life experiences, meeting famous people. One thing that stood out, is that most famous people, I have met, do not have big egos, many are very humble, and enjoy talking to other people!
I knew Graham Nash (The Hollies, Crosby, Stills and Nash) at work in 1960
I met The Hollies at The Toggery in Mersey Square in Stockport .
I was born in Stockport.
I was born in Wythenshawe and now live in Stockport. Graham Nash lived in Salford and was on the same Post Office training course as me.
I once spent the night in Wythenshawe Hospital having been hit from behind. I was listening to Tommy Roe singing Dizzy when it happened . Isn’t it funny the things you remember. I was on my way to meet a new boyfriend and of course I had no way of letting him know so he thought I’d stood him up.
It didn’t last !
If we carry on like this we could turn out to be related Ha Ha. Where in Stockport did you live? I'm in Heaton Moor but we lived in Edgeley when we were first married.
All my family are from Edgeley. My grandparents were in Clyde Road and Calcutta Road. We lived in Woodsmoor and Davenport. I went to school in Heaton Moor at Fylde Lodge.
I moved to Norfolk when I married 48 years ago but Stockport will always be home. Happy times .
I have sung for some famous conductors, Rattle, Jenkins.Rutter, Chilcott.
Met Damien Hill at an event in the RAC Club, lovely man when he won an award.
Only do singing and vintage car events so a somewhat narrow field,,,
I bet you’ve had lovely times travelling around with your singing gigs. Do you have a vintage car?
Yep, a1936 Austin Nippy.had intended to sell this year, obviously not possible, is a pain now with my arthritis to clamber in and out so had hoped to sell this summer, obviously did not happen.selling a vintage car is not just placing an ad.
Next year( covid permitting) is the 100 celebratory year of the Austin 7, so hope someone will fancy the car to take to the week long party in Morton in the Marsh. It is actually my friends and mine but I garage it.it is lovely but we are getting old!!!
What a beautiful car. I just looked them up. What colour have you got. Such a shame to sell it.
Deep ruby red with a black hood and brass to clean , the hood is never used as it is a pain to squeeze into the little compartment in the back. Cable brakes, hard and ineffective to use and bicycle width tyres, 5 volt battery so dim lights, but a lovely car for an atmospheric drive. Think too old to get in now.
Back in the 1960s, when I was still living in the UK, I caught a flight from Edinburgh to Gatwick. I found myself sitting in the next row to Princess Alexandra and Angus Ogilvie, at the back of the plane. They were carrying plastic bags full of dead pheasants! She was knitting a black sock on three needles. We exchanged brief pleasantries, and I explained that I liked to knit wool socks that way for my father to wear to golf.
I met Princess Anne when she was President of Riding for Disabled. A really lovely lady. X
I shook hands with Princess Diana and exchanged a few words. She came to our local hospital to open a new section and when she got to me she said, "Thank you for coming in this awful weather. I said "It is a pleasure" and we shook hands. Short but very sweet. She really was as beautiful as she looked on TV.
I shook Prince Charles hand once,many years ago in Fort William after he had piloted himself in by helicopter.
did he crash it.? lol...because he once crashed an aircraft.
Was formerly PR advisor for Exxon Mobil so met and worked with many famous people, royalty, formula 1 icons Senna, Schumacher Jackie Stewart
Was on a flight to Saint Lucia to attend my daughters wedding.
In front of us from First Class, disembarked a gaggle of beautiful recognisable models and a man in white linen suit with shiny golden hair. I,recognised him as Nicky Clarke ,hairdresser to the stars .
They boarded a helicopter to their photo shoot and hotel.
I said to my daughter’ wow, is he booked to do our hair too?’
‘ Sadly not’ was the reply.
I think my Phil used to do his garden before we got together.
small world, could have really used him at the wedding, we ended up with some awful styles so raided the flower beds and stuck fresh orchids in as a cover up.
Oh really!
Yeah, ,the whole event was strange. I had never been to the Carib before but my daughters fiancee and his parents went lots of times. They had explained to me the way hotels work on voucher systems and paying for water ski lessons, or borrowing a motor boat. Well everything but everything was free. On the last night the bar manager came to talk to us and said we could have the finest champagne, wines, whatever as the hotel has just been declared bust and they had all lost their jobs. What a night ensued, the wedding had been beautiful and we felt so sorry for the lovely staff that had made it so special.
Nicky Clarke and his wife were always shopping in our local sainsburys on a Friday evening xx

Wow, i only got a quick look!
I was in David Cameron’s constituency
i was in sainsburys( what is it about sainsburys?) when my partner said that's DC queuing in front of you. I told him he was wrong, but my partner knew him and wished him good morning.and indeed it was, he looked very tired and dishevelled and said he needed gripe water for the new baby. On leaving we saw his wife with baby and pram outside.both parents looked exhausted.
I met The Beatles waaay back in the late Sixties, hubby and I were holidaying in Newquay, decided to go the beach and came across a big multi-coloured bus and film-crew, they were filming Magical Mystery Tour....George was missing but Paul, John and Ringo were there, I couldn't believe my eyes! Still have photos we took and a postcard with autographs although I have read that it wasn't always them who signed things but I don't care, it was a great day!
Wow. I was madly in love with John Lennon.
Oh were you. You must have been very sad when you heard he had been shot 😢
Paul was my boy....😍
I was always George's girl.x
Roger Moore and his wife who were shopping in Selfridges,the most stunningly beautiful couple i've ever seen.
i also belonged to the Bristol Literary Guild,and met a number of people promoting their books, Lord David (forget his name,he was once leader of the Lib/dems after he defected from Labour), Stewart Granger i met and he was the nicest of men,and he told me he noticed i was yawning during a speech.
Marlene Dietrich during her last London appearance in 1976...she was beautiful and looked amazing,we waited to meet her at the stage door,and she stood on top of her waiting car,obviously with support from her security,and she was well into her late 70's but still had that star quality.
I remember during the first half she came on in top hat and tails,and her wig was all squiffy,no doubt due to her love of whiskey,but by the second half she had regained her composure and was in her trademark sequined dress and her enormous white mink stole which dragged the ground.An extraordinary lady the likes of which we will never see again.
I saw Roger Moore in a cafe on Heysham Head in the days of Ivanhoe but I was only a young child and just sat staring at him. He winked at me but I didn't speak to him
I met Prince Phillip when he came to open a building named after him at the school I taught at. And sadly yes he was as unpleasant as he often appears. He made a sarcastic remark to one of the pupils but of course I couldn't say anything to support the poor kid.
Oh that's not good is it. Everyone says it though. Strange as the queen seems lovely.
Oh and when I was a student I used to hang around stage doors of theatres in London with my friend to try and get autographs. I met Sir John Gielgud and Sir Ralph Richardson. Sir Ralph was well into his 70s by then, but he got onto a massive motorbike and rode off on it!Sadly Laurence Olivier had given up stage work by then so I never got to see him act.In more recent times we went to see the Rocky Horror Show and decided to go to the stage door for old times sake. Sad middle aged women that we were😄I had my photo taken with Nicholas Parsons😳
About 30 years ago we went to see The Chippendales in a show In the U.K., and as my husband knew one of the U.K. minders, he arranged for me and my friends to meet some of them afterwards. They wore white bathrobes and they were extremely charming to us.
The chippendales the strippers? Lol I saw them once it was hilarious. I didn’t know what I was going to. My sister worked at the theatre they were in and I went with my sister and sister in law. Never laughed so much in my life!
Yes. A few of us had gone from work and had a good laugh. It was at the Davenport Theatre near Stockport. Then at the end they called my name to go with my friends to meet some them. They were very charming but we all felt a bit embarrassed. Still a night to remember 😂😂
How funny! What a laugh! I remembered that they grabbed a lady from the front row and put her on the stage with them. Poor woman but hilarious for anyone watching on. I’m killing myself laughing about it now 😂
I went to The Davenport Theatre many times during the first 21 years of my life.
I dragged my poor mother there to see Elvis in the film Wild in the Country.
She wasn’t impressed.
Oh really haha. I used to help an elderly lady and she said her parents banned her from listening to Elvis. I think parents today would be quite pleased their children listened to Elvis. How times have changed!
Yes. And real gentlemen.John Gielgud was a bit aloof but still spoke to us and signed autographs.Ralph Richardson was very chatty and amusing. We also met Paul Schofield. He had a great stage presence but in real life was very quiet and unassuming.
I've been at a few military dinners where royalty were guests of honour, but quite the most impressive 'people' I ever met were Sooty and Sweep! I was about 8 or 9 and they appeared (on the hands of) Harry Corbett, in Oxford Town Hall. I can't remember the reason for the occasion but I know we Brownies all went in uniform and some of us were chosen to meet the furry duo and their lovely creator Harry Corbett. He was such a quiet gentlemanly man who had twinkly eyes and I've remembered all these years that he always ended his performances with "bye-bye, everyone, bye-bye"!

Oh that’s so lovely. I remember watching sooty and sweep.

Callendsersgirl you're so lucky! I would have loved to meet Sooty, I still love him
I remember a while back snogging Elvis! .......then I woke up! haha.x

Haha, my friend went out to a lovely dinner with Judge Judy and then did the same as you!

Haha well that would have been something! 😂
Mmmm! indeed.xx

I met Paul McCartney and Heather Mills at their wedding in Ireland.
Richard O'Sullivan came to my 21st birthday party at the Silver Wings Club in Jersey back in 1976. He was in Boeing Boeing at the theatre next door. Alan Minter and Lorraine Bidwell came to another party in Brighton. I worked with his wife Lorraine. Yutha Joyce stepped over me in the loo of the Lobster Pot in Jersey. I came over all strange with really awful tummy pains and the only way I could be comfortable was to lie on the floor! I'm sure she thought I was drunk!
Yes I bet. Poor you though!
Actually looking back it was really funny because she just stepped over me on the way in to her cubicle and when she came out she just looked at me and stepped over me to get to the sink to was her hands! She did then ask if I needed help and I said no thank you - a touch of food poisoning I think!
Prince Charles when he was at Uni in Wales. Lovely man we had long chat and shook hands.
Agoodenough you really started something, great to hear everyone's stories, I was out for an office Christmas meal and we met Max Boyce Welsh performer who was lovely to us, I also went to see Womack and Womack and met Bobby Womack who shook my hand and kissed me, I was walking on air xx
My first date with my husband was at the RSC in Stratford, he told me it was to be a concert, but as he had a strong South Wales accent and i am a bit deaf i heard ‘Max’ but no more.
i like classical music so i presumed Max Jaffa. I nearly fell off my seat when a giant leek came onto the stage with cries of ,Oggi,OggiOggi.
I love Mx Boyce and have seen him many times since
Oh Sops I’m crying with laughter. I didn’t know who you meant so just looked him up on You tube. Now I understand 😂😂😂 Brilliant!
Oh Sops that's so funny, i can't imagine what you must have thought when you first saw him 🤣 i'm so glad you got to like him though xx
Hello Agoodenough
I am related to several famous people so I will leave that out. I have met Jerry Louis, (the comedian) when he was mowing his lawn. I met Buddy Hackett (the comedian) when he needed ride to auto repair shop. I have met Andy Williams (singer) few times, as my grandmother rode to/from work with his brother Bob Williams. My grandmother would get tickets for the Williams brother's Christmas show for several years. I met a lot of famous people when I worked in a drug store as a kid in Colorado.
Are you? Well there must be something in your family blood then.
I would love to go to Colorado. Think it’s all those lovely John Denver songs from when I was growing up that’s caused it!
Hello Agoodenough
Yes it might be something in the blood, like why I have CLL.
What a fabulous thread. I met Sir Matt Busby and Lou Macari in a lift when I was staying at the same hotel as the Manchester United team they were both great and very chatty. Sir Matt had a fantastic smile. Also met Denis Thatcher Maggie Thatcher's husband a real gentleman and also very chatty. Liked him even more when he pulled my raffle ticket out and I won a voucher for a pair of tennis pumps which my godson was in desperate need of and I was about to buy him.x
Ah that’s so good. Well that was super lucky!
Yes it’s a fun thread isn’t it. I’ve been cracking up reading some of the comments. A good way to spend a rainy Friday!
Hi Rosewine, I met Gordon Banks once in a pub, he knocked over a giant pile of pennies for charity. Ha gave me my first ever glass of champagne. Not a lot but a memorable moment for me. x

Did he. This post has been so much fun. Hearing everyone’s memories.
Yes...it's certainly made me smile. x
I started working at Virgin Mobile a few months after it started. One evening I heard a helicopter outside, didn’t think much of it so cracked on with my work, few minutes later I’m interrupted by none other than Richard Branson ha ha he’d come down for a visit to see how things were going and I was one of few remaining at the end of the working day, I think he wanted to say hi to someone. Enjoyed a chat before he went on about his business with the big boss.

I’ve heard he is really nice. Think he likes to keep in touch with his staff. Well that’s the impression you get. Thanks for replying 😀
Yes definitely did during the earlier days then once the business was more established it was less, but when he came down, we’d all get invited to one of the local pubs and drinks were always on him.

Ah that's good. He seems like a nice chap.
I meet Didi Conn one time. She came into the store that I worked in to buy hosiery. She played Frenchy in the movie Grease

When I lived in Leeds still our local pub had a big concert room and hosted a competition called battle of the bands and one of the bands that came was the woolpackers actors from emmerdale and rest of cast came to support them. Zoe the vet so small and man who plays Eric Pillars, Christopher Chittel I think he's called was so friendly and bought us all a drink.
I met donald trump when I was protesting against the spread of wind farms in beautiful countryside on the first demo of my life. He was trying to pretend we were supporting his objections to wind farms in the sea opposite his golf course. He came right up to me and shook my hand and thanked me for supporting him......... as if!!!!!! He wears tons of makeup, eyeliner and the lot. Suppose he needs it to cover up the lies.
Oh at the Santa Monica court house where I worked in the 80's. He was in court I believe over some kind of property battle.
After discussing famous people and particularly The Beatles, I want to add that John Lennon would have been 80 years old today 9/10/2020. Happy birthday John.
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