The half hearted attitude to masks is... - Positive Wellbein...

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The half hearted attitude to masks is deplorable

8 Replies

The half hearted attitude regarding masks is deplorable and the televised advertisement by the top government in the UK sends out the wrong advice to the public. This virus will go on and on unless the hierarchy change their behaviour.

A group of MP's were seen outside but were no more than a yard off each other. Don't they realise the virus or any disease can be transmitted even outside. Are they thick or what? Do they care what is perceived of them and their actions?

When will the top scientists advise that all and sundry should be paying more attention to the countries who are fairing better at controlling the virus?

One fact is that the NHS who should be supplied with better masks are not being supplied with adequate protection and this is unbelievable. The green surgical masks they wear in my opinion do not match the white N95 ones. This applies especially to the gaps seen at the bridge of the nose ......Tell me do if this is incorrect?

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8 Replies
Luludean profile image

Why is the emphasis always on the NHS?

Have we still not learnt that the care system and their underpaid and under valued staff are hideously under valued and under protected?

footgo profile image

Good morning Micklemus

Some very good points there, l agree hundred percent!

This present government, to the best of my knowledge, have not once given us the correct advice with Covid-19.

Mostly what has been said has been changed in a very short time. I believe that good common sense is the best answer.

Common sense though, does appear to be lacking in some quarters, unfortunately!

My son lives and works in Hong Kong, they are incredibly strict. So few people have died because of this. Mask wearing etc.

Have a good day, stay safe, best wishes, Tim.

in reply to footgo

Thank you for your nice posting. All the lies told about masks annoyed me and now you see the slow acceptance that masks do protect the wearers. It's all over the internet with some very experienced and above all truthful contributers who know their stuff about filtration.

I've been a humble commercial heating engineer for too long not to ignor the importance of protecting the lungs against all sorts of chemical fumes and of course asbestos. Some asbestos particles due to them being similar to a hair can get through all but the N95 masks and we have always worn the twin respirators that are 97.4% efficient. To have said a filter does not protect the wearer has always been from those who simply do not know what they are talking about.

Please all keep safe by mask wearing. OK it will not be 100% efficient but it goes a very long way to protecting the wearer. I've said it a hundred times there are masks that ONLY protect the wearer due to a none filtered none return valve on the exhalation. How come then it was publicised that a mask only protects those outside of it? Pure drivel that was and they should be ashamed of themselves as well as so called professors. Dr Hillary who has gone way down in my book because he lied publicly.

footgo profile image
footgo in reply to

Thank you, a very clear experienced opinion with a lot of knowledge!

Stay safe, best wishes, Tim.

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

Ok, The green masks have ties for the back of the head, not the earloops, yes? They fit more closely and can be better moulded to the face than the blue earloop models, and are made for operating theatre work.

I don't know too much about the N95s, but I believe they were made for places where there are a lot of big (compared to a virus) particles flying around, such as sawdust. Also I don't recall the N95s having the same number of layers.

The blue masks are basic, true, and not so easily fitted to the nose, but they do the job they are meant to do. I wear the blue earloop ones and find that as I have a small face, I have to give the earloops a twist to bring the mask close to my face, as well as mould the nosepiece.

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

The N95 masks will filter a virus as is stated here and there. The 95 signifies that the filter medium will filter anything down to .3 nano particles which is the virus size. I'm an engineer not a doctor but I was well schooled in filtration so that we did not kill anyone when we fitted massive filtration both air and fluids. Swimming pools etc done that! I have said to several nurses who I feel have been let down by the government that their mask was not as efficient as mine was re the VIRUS. They all knew that what I said was absolutely 'gen'.

From day one I have been appalled that our healthcare workers have had to make do and mend with what is categorically inferior to what they should have been given.

The article in the NY Times by three professor ladies made me laugh but that article is very serious indeed. It is headed --What we must do to get people to wear masks....... One is amusing but deadly serious when she said....... to the front line infantry --sorry but we've run out of guns so you'll have to tackle the enemy with these bows and arrows! This reflects for me at any rate how stupid the government have been and especially the lies to protect stocks...... why the hell weren't the stocks sufficient for an emergency anyway?

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

Apparently the stockpiles we had were seriously out of date!

in reply to Midori

Properly stored which I doubt would still retain the filtration capacity but may get damp and therefore post a threat re lung infection with moulds? Any mask must fit air tight to the face.

The N95 masks are more efficient than the so called surgical masks and anything like them.

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