I’m lonely : I’m feeling so lonely... - Positive Wellbein...

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I’m lonely

Dogmad600 profile image
154 Replies

I’m feeling so lonely today support needed and people to talk to??

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Dogmad600 profile image
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154 Replies
Activity2004 profile image

Hi Dogmad600 ,

How was your evening last night? How's the weather today?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Bad and sunny

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

I'm free to talk. What did you do today?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Video chats

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

That's a very good thing! I do video chatting with my brother and his children when it's possible and I also do some video chatting with a few of my friends. It keeps us closer even when we can't go see them in person. :-)

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


bobbybobb profile image

Hi, do you have any hobbies, how do you like to spend your spare time. 😊

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to bobbybobb


Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Dogmad600

Have you ever thought you might like to try a Hobby ? There are so many ideas. For instance you could just pick up a pencil and a sheet of paper and try drawing your hand or an object in the room you are in

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Rosepetal60


bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to Dogmad600

Is there anything in particular you like doing. 😊

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to bobbybobb


bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to Dogmad600

Are you good at it. I like singing very much but I’m never in tune. What sort of things do you like to sing. I think that is a great interest. 👍😊

daveh121 profile image
daveh121 in reply to bobbybobb

I am relate to that: never in tune. I drowned out my voice with the guitar.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Have you ever been in a school choir? When I was a student for many years, I would be in a music/chorus and perform for the schools I attended. I had some fun with that through my Middle School years. :-)

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Dogmad600

I like singing, but I’m not allowed to sing in the house because I’m never in tune, so when I’m out in the car, I do a bit of singing then to the music on the CDs. My Granny was good at singing & has mentioned through a mediumship to me, that my singing is never in tune. Not sure if that’s the correct word for it. Anyway you sing away, I know it can help.

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired in reply to Rosepetal60

You sound like me, Rosepetal. I used to have a quite good voice, at least to performance level, but now, I can't hold a tune and I croak like a raven with Laryngitis!

Cheers, midori

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Midori

It seems so & is tiresome , I used to be in the Secondary school choir Many lives away, but my voice runs out pretty quickly these days, so then I have a go at humming ! Don’t get very far with that either. Throat is just not up to it.

Gisygirl profile image
Gisygirl in reply to Dogmad600

I love to sing and listen to many types of music. It is a very soothing thing. I also sang in school choirs and now sing in a church choir( or did till this pandemic) and also a cantor in church. Singing is also my favorite way to pray.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Gisygirl


Dogmad600 profile image

Ok will try

I’m 25 years old looking for work have anxiety and depression and panic attacks

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

What would you like to do as a career?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

In a small place? Private or public? :-)

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Doesn’t matter

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

That’s good to know.😀👍🌈

You may want to do something near your house.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Yes lol

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

A very short drive/walk may be a good idea.😀👍🌈

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Well it’s 8 pm now

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Did you have dinner?😀👍🌈

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Not yet feel sick so going to try later

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Drink tea and get some rice to eat/drink.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Great! When you’re ready, please let us know how you’re feeling.😀👍🌈

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Better but still down in dumps

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Try to relax and take it easy. Just keep letting us know what is on your mind.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Will do loads

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Sounds good. Talk to you after your tea and rice.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Dogmad600

Covid makes my anxiety worse and back to college Wednesday will need to speak to welfare at college on Wednesday I think

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Great. Sorry for the delay. Something came up. No worries.😀👍

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

How was the rice and tea?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Good but hope I don’t be sick also as a mod what is your role?

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Being able to help everyone with keeping the group safe and no fights/arguments start between the members. Also, sometimes be there to talk if someone is not having a good day.

For postings, I do the monthly book postings and BRAINWORKS each day.😀👍

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Great and talk to me as I keep having bad days

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

We can do that. But, at 5:30 pm, I have to go get my dinner then. It’s 4:15 pm here, now.😀👍🌈

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Ok that’s fine I will be in bed by then anyway

But I am having a bad moment

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

What happened? Do you want to talk with me on private message?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Okay. We can talk now.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Activity2004

Private message me

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Will do

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Dogmad600

Sent you the message now.😀👍🌈

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to Dogmad600

The video chat room you mention in your other post, what did the Doctors recommend and did they refer you for any help.😊

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to bobbybobb

They just talked though breathing techniques imagining happy place and I’m going to start counselling next week

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to Dogmad600

This is good Dogmad600, counselling helps many people and can help teach varying techniques that you can develop and take forward into every day life. Sometimes life can be very difficult and if we can develop new skills and equip ourselves, we can slowly take steps to move forward and try to make improvements in our lives. Getting help from others can be key in doing this sometimes. 😊

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to bobbybobb


in reply to Dogmad600

Hello I'm sorry your lonely I have had times as many of us like that, especially been unemployed I was unemployed for many many years at 56 I had given up but I now have a casual part time job which has given me a real boost, I know it's difficult but you could maby look into working for free voluntary organisations helping others gives a real feel good factor and you won't be alone and will look good on your CV, write a list of things you like doing and maby some voluntary work associated with that in my case would be cooking or gardening you can put notes through doors offering to help elderly with gardening or shopping old people are lovely and this would give you a real sense of self worth and help with your depression, keeping busy and helping people in need is often a good distraction from our own inner inhibitions and anxieties, I am overcoming my own anxiety and coming out of a very bad phase of my life and partly due to making myself make changes happen you just need to try and find the right direction I'm sure it will come, nothing ever stays the same in life new chapters do begin I'm sorry I can't wave a magic wand as I so wished for myself many times, try the grateful list write down all the things you are grateful for Yul be surprised getting a little pet may help you too take care big hugs x

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to

Thanks I am feeling the weekends dragging already

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to

Curly1, What good suggestions you share for those lonely times each of us feels from time to time. I am self-quarantining much more than any acquaintances, friends, or neighbors in my area. I choose to do that because I am in the highly vulnerable group for Covid-19.

What helps me most when those feelings strike now, is taking a quick walk outside. Just leaving the premises for a short period gives me a lift. I take early morning walks and almost never see another person but just the fresh air and a brief change of scene takes me out of myself with a focus on what I see around me.

Years ago, after a dreadful divorce, I couldn't get in gear to go job hunting and a dear friend suggested that I sign up for some volunteer work...anything to change my down-in-the-dumps slump. I did and it helped me clarify what paid work I wanted to pursue and it also gave me many good reasons to be grateful for what I had rather than feeling depressed about my situation.

I've also made a list of contacts with their phone numbers and make a point of making brief calls to "check in on them" during this trying time. Friends, neighbors and acquaintances seem to appreciate the calls...they can be brief but it is a way of reaching out and dispels my feelings of loneliness.

I listen to "happy music" and sing along, even though I may be off key...it is the action that is important for me. Google is a great tool for researching subjects of interest, taking "cyber" visits to other countries, exploring other groups of interest...gardening, hobbies, other interests. The point is to change the focus from "me" to something else for awhile. Hope this helps.

in reply to FlowerPreciousLover

Hi that's really good you have found ways to feel better I think life is just life and it's quite grim a lot of the time we get by best we can there's always good things though in it take care x

Ochg profile image

Hi Dogmad600,

Sorry your feeling so lonely, I know how horrible that can be.

We are here to try and support one another , the folk in this community have been a tremendous help to me so I hope we can also help you.

I see you like singing, I’m absolutely useless at singing so I do envy you been able to do that. What do you like sing?


Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Ochg


thara9643 profile image


What about a new hobby like drawing?

That way you can get to meet new people and have fun too. Try dancing or singing as well. There are a number of specific Facebook groups for those who love sewing etc. Have a quick look on Facebook to see what you can find on there. Hopefully they can advise and support you to begin. I currently take knitting classes. I am alao a member of a Facebook sewing community.

Alternatively you could use the Yellow Pages to hire a tutor for adults. Depending on where you live, there might even be a few local special craft stores or lessons. Have you heard of the U3A or not? Another option is to borrow some art books from your local library, get some craft supplies and then start. There are so many hobby options. Do not hesitate just do it is my advice really. You can even order art books from Amazon or buy unwanted art books at a charity shop or bookshop in addition. You will enjoy it seriously. YouTube has lots of artsy videos.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to thara9643

Ok will have a search I’m in England

thara9643 profile image
thara9643 in reply to Dogmad600

You might find this helpful too craftcourses.com

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to thara9643


thara9643 profile image
thara9643 in reply to Dogmad600

no problem

Dogmad600 profile image

Nope I don’t

Dogmad600 profile image

Great you seem nice

Dogmad600 profile image


Lulu2468 profile image

Good morning my love x

Your never alone I can talk to you anytime x

How are you today ?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Lulu2468

Morning bad so lonely weekends dragging

Donna-mari profile image

Always here

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Donna-mari

Thanks weekends dragging

Carlt profile image


Two activities that I do mean that, wherever I've been, I have never needed to be lonely.

These are birdwatching and fibre crafts, weaving in particular.

I can go anywhere in the world, find the nearest weaving or spinning guild and be surrounded by lovely people who share an interest and are keen to teach newcomers.

You don't need equipment as folk are always willing to show you theirs and let you have a go.

As for birdwatching you don't even need people for company. I just load up the bird feeders in the garden an I'm soon overwhelmed with friends (I ignore the fact that it's just 'cupboard love') but again, join your local birdwatching group or natural history club and you'll be surrounded by folk wanting to impart their knowledge.

I know it's difficult with health issues but loneliness is worse than any illness I have or have ever had so it's definitely worth the effort.

andrehypnotic profile image

Phone The Samaritans🤔

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to andrehypnotic

I have they don’t help

san_ray70 profile image

I do not know where you live, but a lot of charities have phone chat, try somebody in a church, ours are opening, masks and distancing. A lot of things have stopped, but there are still groups for lonely people. I made a friend by phoning a lonely lady in my area. Good luck, reach out, you can always chat to me.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to san_ray70

Thanks England and I’m making friends with support group video chats weekdays

When I’m fed up I take my bike 🚲 up the mountain road. I find nature has such a calming influence on me It really is a great stress reliever.

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to

Jaye123, I so agree! Both nature and laughter are two of the best antidotes around for "spirit lifting" and both are free!

Remember reading once that "if something you are doing or not doing doesn't help, try something else". Sounded a bit callous at the time but it makes a lot of sense. Doing nothing will not improve a situation.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

Sorry to hear your feeling so down, you will get a lot of support on here. Its dificult at best of times but these arent the best of times. I see a lot of people have answered so hope your feeling a bit better now. Is there something you've always wanted to try doing? Now would be a good time to try.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Craftyperson

Nope and not feeling any better

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to Dogmad600

Sorry about that keep coming on here and at least won't feel so lonely. Sending you a big virtual ((((((HUG))))))

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Craftyperson

Will do

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to Dogmad600

Good that's a start.

ShelWhitt profile image

Feel for you Dogmad. I am married and am suffering too. My DH has dementia, and although it is not the same, it is difficult trying to have a conversation, and we get ratty with each other as he keeps asking me questions until I think I am going mad at times! Not easy when you don't feel well yourself. You have come to the right place. Everyone on here is friendly and are always willing to chat. Stay safe.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to ShelWhitt


Dogmad600 profile image

Maths and awhile

Tara52 profile image

I have felt very isolated and alone too especially after my boyfriend committed suicide. I had panic attacks & depression. As soon as I got myself off of mind & started to help others I got better. Its a great way to make friends. I didn't like to hear it at the time but self pity is bondage. Praying you will be courageous and take baby steps at first. You can do it! We are praying for you!💖🙏

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Tara52


flyswat profile image

So sorry you are feeling lonely. It is a lovely day, would it be possible for you to go for a walk and maybe talk to someone on the way? Otherwise we can talk here if you would like?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to flyswat

I will just talk here

Brandibell profile image

Hi, It's sounds like all these questions are overwhelming you due to your short answers. You also seem very low in mood. So I just wanted to say Hi and if you need a chat I am avaliable throughout the day. People care and you are never on your own on this site.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Brandibell

Thanks yes I am overwhelmed

Brandibell profile image
Brandibell in reply to Dogmad600

I think I would be 89 replies later. Haha it just goes to show there is faith in humanity and not everyone is in it for themselves. There are 89 people here alone who want to help.

When i am guessing all you want to do is probably just get past each hour until bedtime again. Good guess or not?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Brandibell

Yes good guess

Brandibell profile image
Brandibell in reply to Dogmad600

Depression is a dark place and it is often something in our lives that is the trigger and will cause a snowball effect of sinking further into a hole. Have you spoken to your GP about how you feel?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Brandibell


Artnmusiclover profile image

I'm praying for you...me and both my daughters have been suicidal and felt theres no hope. I wont bore you with details...its 5 years of bad news..but what I do know is there are people who care, even if they're strangers, and you can message me if you want. I'm in England so same time zone ...in the mean time I'm going to keep you in my prayers! God bless x

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Artnmusiclover

Ok great thanks

Artnmusiclover profile image

💞🙏💞....ps...forgot to mention, I'm dogmad too! 🙂

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Artnmusiclover


zoee_ profile image

How are you?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to zoee_


Dogmad600 profile image

I look after people’s dogs

sandravale profile image

So many people are lonely today. You are not alone. I don't know if you are in any way religious but a church (even now) has social activities that you can join.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to sandravale


SparkySW123 profile image

Hi Dogmad, I can certainly understand how you're feeling because I too so very lonely at times with no one to talk to. It's very difficult right now with the world turned upside down with this wretched covid -19. I've started writing down all the things I am grateful for, simple things like having a roof over my head and having a warm bed. When you're feeling down it's not easy to start feeling positive about anything but it's worth a try. There are many things i am now unable to do because I have a severe lung condition and have to use oxygen quite a bit of the time. Can't go out without it and it can be so frustrating, I actually wrote down all the things I could no longer do - several pages of it and I surprised myself because having done that, I actually felt a bit better. I read that you are going to have some counselling. Well done. I am having the same as, like you I have panic attacks. I hope you're feeling a bit better knowing that there are so many people on this site who are more than happy to discuss things with you. Christina x

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to SparkySW123


Dogmad600 profile image

Yes it does

shipyard profile image

Greetings my friend.

as we live in a world facing so many difficulties and uncertaities we can find hope for the future in reading the bible containing so many wonderful promises and good news concerning the future.

We read in Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 (( And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes( actually says in the Greek every teardrop and refers to tears of sorrow ) and their shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall their be any more pain for the former things are passed away ( refers to the entire effect of the fall of satan and todays system, religious and political ) when our great God will create a New Heaven and earth as we read in Revelation chapter 21 and verse 1, therefore the best is yet to come.

Only believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that He lived and died for the sins of this world ( read gospel of St John chapter 3 verse 16 , yes a wonderful future for all who turn to him and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour,

Christian love and blessings to you.

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to shipyard


RP2015 profile image

Hi Dear, I would encourage you to find a good Bible based church where you could worship with others and not feel lonely. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to RP2015


1962jns profile image

Do you have any family?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to 1962jns

Nope parents and sister died

1962jns profile image
1962jns in reply to Dogmad600

Close friends?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to 1962jns

No friends

1962jns profile image
1962jns in reply to Dogmad600

I know it’s a hard time right now for most young people. Your not alone. I would take any job you can get just to be out and among people.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to 1962jns

Yes hard

1962jns profile image
1962jns in reply to Dogmad600

What other health issues do you have besides anxiety?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to 1962jns

Anxiety depression and learning difficulty

happyinlove profile image

How are you dog ?

It is very sunny today

I live in north London

Would like to be a friend

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to happyinlove

Sunny today

Dogmad600 profile image


happyinlove profile image

I hope you have a good weekend !

I am planning to hide from every body and finish reading my books

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to happyinlove


Samson1953 profile image

Hi Dogmad. try to think happy thoughts. tell yrself u r ok.. is that yr kitty picture? sending you love, joy in ur heart n hugs. Rose

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Samson1953


Sara_2611 profile image

I live on my own & when mum & dad very first moved out I was scared the first night on my own it made it worse when a massive spider went running across my new floor & being arachnaphobic I screamed which made it worse because i realised there was no one to help me

when my then boyfriend acrimonioiusly broke up our relationship I felt very lonely because of the amazing way we got together

Im used to it now. Try to think positive thoughts

Have you thought about downloading video conferencing platform Zoom then you can connect to anyone you like

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

Yes I have zoom and teams

Sara_2611 profile image

Well -ok -ask your friends & family if any of them have zoom or teams) & see if theyre prepared to communicate via either of those platforms & tell the you are lonely .Im sure they ll be sympathetic .Tell them that zoom is free to download -I dont know about teams .I tried downloading that but it only seems to work if you are a business or school it wouldnt let me use it as a general person

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

I don’t have family or friends

Sara_2611 profile image

Oh Im sorry to hear that =Im curious why but dont expect you to answer the question because its a matter personal to you

Youve got us on this site -we re all here for each other for happy & sad so dont feel alone. Do you not see your neighbours now & again? My next door neighbour lives alone & she keeps telling me she hasnt seen me for ages.Prior to the covid I used to go next door for a chat & a brew -She keeps me talking for england though lol

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

Parents died of drugs overdose and sister Covid don’t see neighbours

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to Dogmad600

Oh dear Im ever so sorry to hear that. As Ive said & I agree with Spanaway when he/she says youve come to the right place everyone likes everyone here we ll all be there for you if you message regularly Im sure all of us will reply

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

Ok thanks so much

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to Dogmad600

Youre so welcome -even if we re jot here in person -we re here in forum youre part of our group so dont feel too lonely

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

Yes I feel better today

Spanaway profile image

Sorry to hear your lonely, but you've come to the right place! It's not easy being alone through all this that's going on. I get tired of tv and the same stuff. So I've been fishing and talking on the phone. Hope you can find people to talk to, and something that let's say entertains you.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Spanaway

Yes here will help

Alex9621 profile image

I am so sorry for all the stuff you have/are going through. I pray you find the peace that passes all understanding.

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Alex9621

Thanks I feel better today

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to Dogmad600

glad you feel a little better

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

Yes still tough

Alex9621 profile image
Alex9621 in reply to Dogmad600

I am super glad you had a better day!! I will keep praying for that peace.

Sara_2611 profile image

what are your views on dating sites- would you try one?

Dogmad600 profile image
Dogmad600 in reply to Sara_2611

No, I don’t feel comfortable with online dating or online dating sites.

san_ray70 profile image

I met my husband on a sort of site, he lived 150 miles from me, I asked for somebody local. When we finally got together,we could only see each other week ends. Other times we were on the phone night and day, we got married a year after we met. I was a divorced lady over 50. I never thought I would ever re marry or leave the area, I did both and though we are both older, we are very happy. I gained four new grandchildren also.

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