Sorry to post on what’s a positive well being forum wasn’t sure where to post and need advice been told I may be made redundant and have to proove myself why I should stay in my job .they are basing it on how I was before the Coronavirus I’m currently on furlough and not gone back I’m currently also 17 week pregnant!before furlough I was off sick for quite a long time before that I was supervisor but my then manager kind of took the role away from me can’t explain but anyway she must have thought I’m only good enough when it suits so sometimes was supervisor sometimes it was like I wasn’t she said if I wasn’t trained in two week when she goes on holiday she would be up set anyway 2 week went by she didn’t show me how to do anything this other girl started doing the job with no knowledge either but I had to assist I asked for training but was refused so anyway they didn’t pay supervisor wages and sometimes I was to act supervisor sometimes not now that girl is doing manager role but is a superviser anyway I’m waffling.has anyone done these interviews before she says it’s a point system
Told I may be made redundant advice , - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Told I may be made redundant advice ,

Hi Afrohair are you in any kind of union? They may help or you can have a look at ACAS online they have a free advice line & deal with all aspects of emplyment may be able to give you some guidance. Try not to stress too much, you must take care of yourself & that baby. Good Luck x
We were once going to go through redundancy procedures. Thankfully it didn’t happen. Basically they look at your qualifications and how they relate to the work you do, any in service training you have done and the experience you have gained in any roles you have had, either in this job or previous jobs and how well they relate to your present role within the firm or to a different role within the same organisation that they might be able to redeploy you to. Length of service has no bearing on the outcomes.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Hello my sweet! I cannot help with the work side if it all, a union would help and you being pregnant may well make any help that is available easier to access? Good luck and congratulations !!! Hope all goes well x Love from Laurie xx

Sorry to hear about the current situation with your job. As someone has mentioned, acas, will be able to advise. Congratulations on your pregnancy. 😊🌷
What about upskilling yourself? There are lots of courses out there worth looking at. Also you might also want to check out job advertisements and make notes on key skills etc too. Polish up your resume in case you are invited to a job interview. Good luck to you. I also recommend reading some useful career advice books as a means of preparing yourself. Your local library will have some to borrow or you can check online. Hopefully you can also get some more helpful advice on how to deal with legal issues. Contact a union for advice and support.
I can’t study at the minute due to my partners work commitments I have to back for the children’s school commitments they just don’t accommodate people with 4 kids plus I can’t exactly afford it I already have a ba honours I’m not going to fork out more in already in thousands of pounds of debt from uni tho there’s plenty I’d like to do it’s just not accommodating for me and I doubt I’ll be employed now as I will be on maternity leave soon

You've been sick and now you are also pregnant? How big is the company you work for?
It is possible they might fall foul of the law if they get rid of you.
If here is a Union join, fast, and also contact ACAS.
Can I ask if you have a disability? Physical or mental? If so there are hoops the Company must jump through in order to get rid of you,or they could be in a world of trouble, as disabled folk are protected in employment by the Equalities Act.
Also, Pregnant women have rights enshrined in Law, such as the length of maternity pay and Maternity Leave you are entitled to.
I can't help getting the feeling that the Company want you out, and will try to get you to quit. DO NOT QUIT, as it will leave you unable to get unemployment benefits, and may also rob you of maternity benefits too.
Cheers, Midori

I won't enquire; but if it is really bad and affects your ability to work, its worth trying for disablement benefit.
Cheers, Midori
I have endometriosis it’s s really hard to claim disability under my condition as sometimes I’m ok and sometimes I’m not ive spoke to a few girls with it who have struggled to claim when I first had symptoms it affected my daily life and it was hard to convince doctors I couldn’t work as I couldn’t lift and sometimes leave my bed as it’s related to my hormones it’s really difficult.though one girl I know ended up in a wheelchair from it I did some research and found out I’f I cut a lot out of my diet it can help my symptoms there’s also an option for surgery but as it relates to non Benin growths they can grow back so I’ll never be free of it.theres also some ways to manage it through medication I’ve gone down this route but it hasent worked for me. when it’s really bad I can’t walk and have a cocktail of drugs mainly cocodomal they have considered putting me on hrt when I’ve had my baby but that can bring on more side effects
I don’t need a carer as my condition comes in waves that’s why it’s hard to get support cause as you say I would have to be cared for 4 days out of 7 that’s not the case for me when I have the right drugs im very mobile but there are times when it’s very difficult for me.i think they go on point scoring if I can take myself to the appointments I guess they think I’m ok as they can’t see a lot of my illness unless I’m limping on one leg and I’ve found that’s the only time people realise I’m ill is when they can physically see if I didn’t have a stick occasionally people would think I’m fine and have to use grabbers to clean up as can’t bend without pain it’s such an invisible illness a lot of people work with it but a lot end up quitting cause they can’t endure the pain and certain jobs are painful for instance I have to push cages around at work and on feet all day.whats p I p?
Yes I do have things to help me like a stick and grabber for cleaning and I can’t pass an hoover round I have to sit down and do it but some days I’m ok which is why it’s so difficult for people to take me serious. I’ve not tried to claim but in the past I needed to that was related to something else and I wasn’t accepted it’s so difficult x
Thanks so much for your help x
Hi loves thought I’d give an update well I can’t believe how much they try and pay me off a lousy £200 for working 2 year part time x
Just thought I’d update had a second interview and was told I won’t be one of those to be made redundant but have to change my hours I’m happy with the outcome as prefer the shorter days still doing the same amount of hours