Hi everyone, we have just heard that our town Burnley as been told that we are not allowed to meet up in people's homes and gardens from midnight tonight until further notice .
Special measures: Hi everyone, we have... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Special measures
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Thank you for letting us know. I saw the news report about this at lunch time today.
I do hope it's not for long for you all. Sending best wishes. 🙄🌸
Yes, I've just heard this now. I really feel for you. Not sure about Rochdale, our numbers are lower but still high so we are probably in the same boat as you, I'm so sorry this is happening but also annoyed because I would think it's due to all those idiots flouting the rules having parties etc🤬🤬🤬
I've just read everything the BBC have put and Rochdale, bury , Heywood, Oldham and the rest of greater Manchester are the same as you. Like Afrohair put calderdale, kirklees, and also Yorkshire. I really hope the idiots flouting the rules start to listen and have a bit of common sense
Take care and stay safe Lynne

Sorry to hear this Longsider, I have seen it on the news, there are a few other places this has occurred at very short notice. Obviously they are taking quick action to try to contain local outbreaks. I think it said you will still be able to go out in your own family group. Hopefully it won't be for to long as they have acted quickly. Take care. 👍😊
Hi bobbybobb, fancy coming out with this idea at 21.00 at night I suppose the government work late some people will have gone to bed and wakened up thinking I will drop kids of at parents and of to work , I don't think so . x
Sorry to hear but you keep safe. So far no other rules in Northern Ireland yet. Thinking of you.
It’s not about people gathering on beaches it’s stupid people not listening and not keeping there distance and going to party’s etc you can go and enjoy our beaches as long as everyone social distance you are better of in the open air than in pubs houses just common sense keeping yourselves safe
Hi Longsider, I'm originally from Burnley, moved down south a while ago, my family were telling me about the situation.
It's a shame they've had to resort to such strict measures but I guess because of the spike in cases they did it for the safety of the residents.
Stay strong
Hi Essexgal118, I also have family in Essex and Greenwich small world . Yes these restrictions are silly in my view when you can go in the pub end it's packed , our local bank as had to close because a employee as coronavirus . Stay safe . Clive.
I don't think this is a surprise. It has been a long time coming. The only surprise to me is that you have to follow these restrictions to the letter but don't worry, you can still go to the pub!!!!! I don't get it.
The pub makes money and they pay taxes to the government . Even our Halifax Bank is closed because one of the staff as coronavirus there is definitely another second wave on its way .
Like I was saying people not listening just go to show you some people don’t care if I got there and saw all those people there I certainly would have not gone on the beach but if you are sensible you can go to beaches and lots of room to social distance most toilets are now open on all the beaches it just plain common sense choices that people make .
Of course they do but the pubs are one of the biggest problems in spreading the virus , in my opinion. When alcohol is involved, social distancing goes out of the window.
Yes and we have all got to suffer for them do the actually know it’s world pandemic and most of us are obeying by the rules and trying to keep ourselves and others safe till we can get a vaccine ?stay safe .
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