Quotation for Saturday 9th May 2020 - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Quotation for Saturday 9th May 2020

6 Replies

Hi everyone,

Today's quotation is from Rumi, the famous 13th century poet and Sufi mystic.

This is just a part of one of the things he said, and my interpretation of it is my own.

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field......

I'll meet you there"

For me this is always a reminder that, if we look for it, we can find a place where we can compromise on the differences we have in our thinking. And in compromise we promote peace and harmony and not conflict.

Wishing you all a very pleasant day today.

Photo: ducky-duc, Unsplash.com

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6 Replies

Love the photo.

The words are so good and your interpretation is excellent. You are right, compromise is good and if everyone compromised things would be so much easier to deal with. Think of all the mended relationships.

Have a lovely day, sun is shining here.

Alicia ☀️🌞🌈🙏

bobbybobb profile image

I think that is a brilliant interpretation of the quote. 🌷🌸🌻

Sprinkle1 profile image

I love the photo, yes it looks so peaceful. I agree compromise has been a strong believe in my life, I hate fights and ugliness, so unnecessary, I always think we should sit down and talk out a situation, something I wish our politicians would do. But I have also found it hard to do with some people who have made up their mind and refuse to budge. Oh! yes as Dr. Scott Peck said "Life is difficult", Buddha said "Life is suffering" Perhaps we could start a compromise group, that would be interesting?!!! Happy Mother's Day here in the US, sending love and virtual hugs.....Sprinkle 1.....

Roukaya profile image

Good Afternoon

I hope you are safe and well

I took a day’s respite from Ramadan and I will start tomorrow again

Today I went out to buy some stationary to restart the studying

I also bought a mindfulness diary and I will write an entry every day

I think it is essential I keep a check on my mental health state as it seems to go up and down given the fact of my Mothers demands and the flat I let out will be empty for a while until Lock Down comes down

Hi Roukaya,

Thanks for your good wishes, and yes, safe and well, and I hope that you remain so too. It sounds as if this has been a good and positive day for you and I'm so pleased. Brilliant to hear that you are preparing to start studying again. Very best wishes for that, and I also think the Mindfulness diary is a good idea too. I also keep one and I'm not always 100% serious about its use. I add all sorts of thoughts, pictures and doodles and have fun with it too. I wish you luck with yours. It does really help to keep a record of how you have been feeling, how well you stayed in the present moment etc.

We can't always have strong, productive days, and I hope that when on some days you do feel down, you'll be able to reflect back to this one, and remember that life is like the ocean waves... up and down, all of the time.

But for now, I'm so glad you had a good day. Take care and stay well.🙏

Sylvia22 profile image


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