Feeling fed up so thought I'd put this out there, my day has been like this, my sister rang at 9am to say she had a few bits for me, so tidied the flat a bit, she turned up with 5 bags of food for me including roast beef potatoes and veg, which will do me for tomorrow.and Monday, lots of desserts that have gone in the freezer which is now full to bursting so I've cancelled my Wiltshire farm foods order as I won't get 7 meals in the freezer now, as it was lunch time I walked to the chip shop at the end of my road and got us some lunch, afternoon spent putting food away, watching new DVD and pottering about, I've cancelled my get together with my god daughter which was planned for next weekend, work is now closed so I may cancel the click and collect shop I'm trying to do and get my local taxi firm to take me to a supermarket in a couple of weeks, tomorrow I've got some washing to do and, hopefully, start dusting my living room
What's anyone done today : Feeling fed... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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How lovely of your sister, you must love each other to bits. I'm very lucky to have a great support network of family and friends and of course everyone on here. I love reading, colouring, cross stitch and I fancy diamond painting. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hi Jennymary ,
Today, I have been on HU and did some reading before lunch this morning. I also have talked to some friends on and off HU.
For lunch, I had cottage cheese with fruit and nuts.
Are you okay?
Hi Leah, I'm fine, perhaps more frustrated than anything, I wouldn't be classed as vulnerable so I don't really need to self isolate but staying in is better than getting the virus
Well you have kept really busy today and lots planned too...it all sounds good!
I have washed a few clothes and dried them in the sunshine... son in law bought us some bits and bobs... including potting compost and seeds...
Husband and I then moved a shed and changed over one shed content into the other Had some home made soup for lunch .
I then popped a few geraniums that I over wintered into ,what will be my 70th birthday present .. ( I got it early)...a small greenhouse... got all the washing in, smelling delicious..... tidied things up ready for some more gardening tomorrow and am now sitting down with husband for a welcome glass of wine!
Have a lovely evening and relax, ready for your dusting day x
I just went to the supermarket earlier. I need to clean as well! I've been procrastinating on it but I might take a nap first. I hope everyone is doing well!
How kind of your sister to do that. Our daughter came round with my Mother’s Day gift and afternoon tea she’d collected from the tearooms we were meant to go to today. I saw our two lovely grandsons (7 & 2) briefly but not close contact. Got upset when they’d gone home. I picked myself up and cleaned the bathroom, put washing on, sorted out an anniversary card to post on Monday, had a nap as didn’t sleep well last night. Pete and I went for a drive and were surprised to see lots of people milling about.
You’ve been busy Jennymary which is good. I have plenty to do tomorrow so will just get on with it. I must try and exercise more too. Xxxxx
I was feeling grumpy all week, knowing that parkrun was going to have to join the list of cancelled events. In the grand scale of things it’s nothing significant, but I wasn’t looking forward to today. My wife is a manager in a dementia care unit and had been telling me how all the staff were struggling to find anything in the supermarkets after 12 hour shifts, it kinda just passed over me as who isn’t struggling with the shopping? Then someone, I think in a podcast, suggested donating our parkrun time to help someone... a plan started to form. Yesterday evening my wife rang her team and got them to make a shopping list and send it to her, we’d sort it... and after dropping her off at work this morning I set about the task. It took me 3 hours and 5 supermarkets, but lists were completed and ready to deliver this evening. Home for a cuppa, walked the dogs and then ran the 5k that should have been my parkrun. Since then I’ve been pretty lazy really 🤣
Stay safe everyone... and talk to people if you either need help or can help... we are all in this together.
What a, lovely idea to help the staff in the care home, my mum's in a Care home as she has dementia amongst other ailments, it's closed to visitors for the time being, but I'm sure my sister will take some goodies in for the staff when this is sorted
Yeah... it’s tricky... I can’t enter the home either, which is a shame because I used to take our dogs in for the last hour and the residents loved it. They’ll need a treat or two at then end of all this, especially the ones who keep going with the increased workload as some will inevitably be sick at some point with or without catching the virus.
Hi Jennymary, I like a bit of structure and now that all my aqua sessions have been cancelled I was feeling a bit lost. Decided to find some joyful things to do, not just the boring stuff like sorting out my cupboards in the kitchen from the time when PMR meant that things just got chucked in because I couldn’t bend down. So I’ve planned dinners for the week, started to clean an old oil painting that was given to us when mum-in-law passed, and I’ve found a workout on YouTube that I could just about manage and enjoy. It’s an old Jane Fonda Walking Aerobic Workout Level 1 - for seniors. I know myself that I need to keep mobile as this will help me physically and mentally and this very retro workout will get me started. It also made me giggle. OH thinks he will keep golfing for as long as he’s allowed so that’s good 👍. Keep safe and well everyone.
Hi well my yesterday was good.About 11am a l ocal catering company delivered us 2 large pies that my step daughter had ordered for us.froze one and ate the scrummy chic n mushroom one for tea.We ha walk to postnox on corner then was shocked to see daughter n most of her family outside in their car.We stood outside and kept our distance.struggled with emotions as wanted to hug them.my granddaughter will be having her baby in may so wont be able to see them either.they live about 25 mile away .My daughter said she had left a few things on doorstep.Well her few things was a huge bag of shopping ,a bunch of flowers with 2 cards for mothers day today.she is so caring.
Enjoy your day all of you
Hi Jennymary, you are very lucky to have a supportive sister nearby. And you managed to fill your day well too.
Yesterday, as well as spending the morning on this forum I've been trying to get into a new (to me), book, Holy Fools by Joanne Harris. It's showing early signs of promise. Joanne Harris being the author who wrote Chocolat. Funnily enough, despite how popular that was, it never really resonated with me, and I'm liking Holy Fools better.
Today I'm doing some baking and my daughter's doing some too, and we are going to enjoy a virtual afternoon tea together, by videochat, for Mothering Sunday.
Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a very enjoyable day. Take care and stay safe.
I love Joanne Harris's books, I have most of them, including Holy Fools. perhaps It's time to get it out again.
There are now four in the Chocolat series, including The Lollipop Shoes, Peaches for M. Le Cure and The Strawberry Thief.
Thanks for the updates to the Chocolat series Midori. Maybe I should try again with it, and then read the remainder.
My story today is that I got up early before my alarm went off and got my washing underway. Had breakfast during first wash cycle then cleaned my bathroom and downstairs toilet during second cycle. After lunch I was on my laptop and had an email chat with my son in Malaysia as I was worried about how he was coping with Covid-19 there. He is on an island part of Penang which only has a small cluster of cases with no deaths. Derek reassured me he is social distancing himself from others and self isolating himself as and when he can. In Malaysia it is larger cities like Kuala Lumpur that have highest cluster of deaths so it is a bit like London in the U.K. in that respect. It was nice to know Derek is well. Tonight I had dinner and I’m going to relax and watch some TV.
….. and when you have dinner take the time to really enjoy it. Use those dishes that only get used once a year, light a candle and treat yourself as if you were a princess!
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