When steroids are reduced are dizzy spells and sh... - PMRGCAuk


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When steroids are reduced are dizzy spells and shakiness normal at 1mg of a reduction? Have had a strange day today.

or01ah profile image
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or01ah profile image
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hannmorr profile image

You don't say what dose you are on...I assume you mean dropping by 1 mg but from what? If it is from under 10mg then that is a 10% or greater drop. Dizziness and shakiness, nausea, light headed feelings etc. are all things I have experienced when dropping my dose. They usually pass after a week or so but it may be that you have dropped too large a percentage of your dose and need to cut the talents in halo to make a drop of 0.5 mg.

Hope this helps

Hi or01ah,

I still shake sometimes even now when I am down to 7.5mg. I had shaky hands nearly all of the time until I got down to about 10mgs. It just got less severe as the doses were reduced. Delicate tasks were quite hard, but I just persevered until I got 'it'.

Dizzy spells did not happen often, but like you I got them.

Just try not to worry - they'll go.


Hi or01ah

Yes I get dizzy spells and shake when reducing dosage and sometimes when NOT reducing. I am on 5mg and the dizzy spells are most noticeable at night and on waking. Try to avoid sudden movements when getting out of bed and try and rest as much as possible. If these symptoms get worse it might be worth seeing your GP - mine wasn't very helpful but these symptoms might be the result of something other than your steroids.

Hope you feel better soon.

adelle profile image


I get dizzy spells all the time if I look up or bend down. Lately I am also getting terrible indegestion woke up the other night and thought I was having a heart attack the pain lasted for ages. This has only started since reducing from 10mg to 9.5 I am presumiing this is normal.


in reply to adelle

Hi Adelle,

you are reducing slowly and sensibly and I cannot think how indigestion could be caused by reduced steroids.

Are you taking any other meds that could be upsetting your stomach or eating before you sleep - this might lead to too much acid.

adelle profile image
adelle in reply to

Hi Pats

Probably a coincidence but am getting it a lot since reducing. I usually do have a piece of toast before going to bed. Usually because I have just got back from work or am still at work. Am always forgetting to eat when working which is all the time. So this is unusual for me to get indegestion (will try leaving the toast alone)


2watsons profile image

Oh the joys of Steroids they affect us in so many ways.I have just gone down from 8 to 7.5 mg i have had shakes ,feeling worn out on energy ,but does pass after few days and feel better ,and as i reduce slowly now i am feeling better so good Luck .

matelot profile image

I didn't find any of these problems, just a return of the symptons, necessitating going back up several Mg each time. I have now been off since last September, but do have the usual symptons. I am trying serrapeptase through a kinesiologist & will report further.

cynbil profile image

Like the above person I do not suffer the shakiness but my symptoms return and I have to increase my prednisalone. some of you say you are on 7.5 I have only been on full milligrams like 7 or 8 milligrams. how is this possible x

Hi cynbil,

Can you clarify - do you have PMR, and are you saying that the highest dose you have taken of prednisolone is 8mgs?


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