I have noticed several times that sufferers have mentioned the fact that as well as having PMR/GCA they are taking Allurprinol for gout - wondered if there is a link there as I too have gout and and GCA ? Might be an area for research.
Is there a link between GCA, PMR and Gout? - PMRGCAuk
Is there a link between GCA, PMR and Gout?
I understand that they are quite separate. Both arthritic conditions though. Gout is a lot more common (affects 1 in 200 as opposed to around 1 in a thousand for PMR) so wouldn't be too surprising that some with PMR/GCA also have gout.
Whilst the medical profession quote an incidence of one in a thousand for PMR, I believe that it is likely to be much more common than this. A U3A group I belong to has eight members and three former members. One former member has recovered, one member has a neighbour with it and another has a husband with it. At a support group meeting, the Rheumy's figures of one in a thousand were challenged as we all thought that it was more common. The Rheumy replied that only those cases seen by a specialist were being counted and not those treated solely by a GP so the figures are too low but he had nothing more accurate. My GP says "that it is more common than you would think!"

2 years ago a local friend reported she had PMR. Now I know 4 people with it, not counting myself, which really doesn't prove much, but at my dexa scan in March I asked the health professional how much PMR she saw. 'Odd you should ask that' she replied 'because my colleague and I have noticed that we have seen a marked increase in the numbers of patients we see with PMR'. Her observation possibly says a bit more. I can imagine that very occasionally GP's don't recognise it, but can't help thinking that patients won't go about with so much pain and disability without getting help, even if it might take some a little longer to be diagnosed. My cousins wife rang me yesterday to say she had had 6 years of PMR beginning when she was 52 - and singing the praises of steroid which took away her pain - and no-one knew at the time, as she kept it quiet from the entire family.
Everyone I know has a friend or friend of a friend or a relative who has/has had PMR! My dad did see a rheumy my friend didn't and neither have I. So statisticians can make of that what they like!
Hi Pat,
Is PMR a rare illness - I don't think so. I was a carer for 8 years before I had to retire because of PMR. I think that over the years many of the people I took care of had it and because of their ages and other medical problems most were only given paracetamol to help. As you can guess, it didn't help much. One of my partner's friends has it, and three of my friends have a parent with PMR. My father also had it and I guess that's why I am carrying it in my genes. Often, when trying to explain to people I know what's wrong with me, they have said that they know someone with PMR.
The statistics on this illness are completely wrong.