I am on a slow taper (currently between 4 and 3.5mg,) and have woken up with this cold bug that has been doing the rounds. I have to get up and get my tax return done so can't really stay in bed though can stay home and warm. I had the flu jab in October Question is, should I increase my pred for a few days? Ie Sick Day Rules or is that over reacting?
Advice needed please: I am on a slow taper... - PMRGCAuk
Advice needed please

If its just a cold then paracetamol and plenty of TLC might be enough… SDR are usually recommended when feel unable to get out of bed. ._

Personally I think SDRs for a cold is overreacting - but depends on how unwell you really turn out to be. Covid 2 years ago and an ordinary cold now is a bit different.
Given the task in hand, I wouldn't use Lemsip but a more traditional remedy: a whisky toddy with lemon which might make the job less awful 😉
yes, good idea. I thought that maybe 8.30am was a bit early for whisky but I am never averse! Often with some ginger to spice it up. Will stick on 4mg for a few days rather than 3.5 I think, plus toddies as required!
8.30am is too early for HMRC ... Anytime is if it comes to that!!!
Tell Me about it. I’m in the study dawn till after midnight at the moment stil collating all my various piles of admin & receipts to try to get the spreadsheets done and into a format for the dreaded return - got pto do several schedules so a total nightmare. And if I take the early am whisky advice I think that might just make me lose yet another day 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ I’m currently doing dry January anyway so I’m on the camomile tea right now Definitely not as nice as the whisky or brandy option to be sure 🤪.
Well I took the advice on the hot toddy and feeling better today though suspect a cough might yet descend on me but fingers crossed. At least I get to sleep in the spare room where I can watch the Pottery Throwdown on my Ipad i peace.
I happily pay an accountant to take the strain!! It is now relatively simple since we both retired and now it is only me - wasn't with 2 countries to cover and both working freelance.
It is really the bookkeeping I think which is a pain and takes time. My accountant friend helps me to submit it once I have all the figures together. It is easier now that we can do it as a lump sum but I have lots (hundreds) of small transactions and expenses and if I don't add up the expenses I have to pay quite a lot. I think it is just that my system could be more efficient (with hindsight) but too disruptive to change, and with an ADHD-style mindset, I am not a great at attention to detail!
Probably not in the same league but my accountant's staff here don't turn a hair at being handed a bag of a LOT of receipts collected through the year! The UK stuff is simpler now the house is let through an agent rather than doing it ourselves.
Yep, doing it yourself can be a world of pain but it’s the accounts - and all the different bits and pieces and currency exchanges etc 😱 once that’s done (EVENTUALLY) actually getting it into the return is the relatively simple part - especially as by that point you feel you’re on the home straight 😊
Yep I’ve got Spain and uk to cover with a long term rental and a holiday rental in spain which are in different schedules in my uk return and are split between my husbands an my returns , plus a rental in the uk - it’s doing the accounts for the different countries & different tax year dates as well as constantly converting the currencies too on the HMRC acceptable rates for the different periods as well - not rocket science but all really fiddly because split into different sections & very time consuming when I’m constantly being interrupted and losing the place 🙄. I can’t even claim the expenses in Spain against the income since Brexit🥴, but because I have to declare all that in the uk too, I still have to do all the expenses accounts anyway. And claim the tax paid in Spain as an expense in the uk 🤦♀️. It’s a nightmare - but I’ve always done it and it’s a bit late to change now as I intend getting rid of the Spanish rentals soon anyway as it’s not worth it anymore 🙄. If I was organised it wouldn’t be so bad but I’m hardly here these days so everything gets tossed in a filing cabinet and dragged out in a last minute panic. I’m the biggest procrastinator on the planet but I’m heading into the study now… I may be some time 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Yes, I have the UK and Italy though no income here in Italy other than pensions now. I suspected I paid more tax than I should here - and discovered a few weeks ago that as far as the Italian pension authorities are concerned, for the last 3 years they have paid me 230 euros a month! This emerged when I got a letter demanding nearly 800 overpaid pension in 2022 be paid back. As I said when I went to try to get it sorted out, I'd be happy to pay it back - had I ever received it!!! My Italian pension is so small that it is paid as a single instalment once a year, probably enough for a pizza for one. Not even sure it'd pay for wine with it. February 2022 I received 150 euros - which seemed a lot but I now a widow get some of OH's pension as well. Now I realise there have been no more payments - neither once a year nor monthly!! But the pensions office tell my accountant I get all that 230 euros a month. And I have been paying tax on that!!!
My father recommended blackcurrent juice, whisky and Benedictine topped up with hot water. I discovered if you put it in the microwave you can cut out the hot water! You will forget your cold bug, in fact you will forget everything!
Hahaha! Including my tax return deadline? I wish I could...
I started with what I thought was a cold on 27th Dec….went through a whole range of symptoms, temp, aches, sore throat , runny nose, blocked nose and finally over 2 weeks late an awful mucus cough….. I didn’t to SDR but doubled my dose yesterday and will for a few more days in a bid to knock it in the head! On another post someone no longer on pred was prescribed a few days of 30mg pred for a mucus cough that ended up as a chest infection,,,,