After an attempt at tapering down seven weeks after diagnosis. I went from 20mg to 15 mg of Pred on my rheumatologist suggestion. After two days 50%. of my symptoms were back .
Doctor had me go up to 25 mg, after three days, the pain was still there. On my own I decided to go up to 27,5. At last I have spent a good night without any pain, left arm is still a bit achy but I guess it will improve ???
I seem to be on a very high dose compared to everyone on this forum. I’d like feedback of people who had to go up to get relief and how long it took for this relief to come. I have my lesson on tapering too quickly and will follow the five week protocol on tapering after I go back to no pain.
I was pain free prior to this attempt at tapering so I hope to go back there but I’m stressing out about the 27,5 mg which seems so high.