I'll tell the full story another time!
But for now I have just finished pred for suspected PMR/GCA/and actual arterial retinal vasospasm which started some 4 years ago - and I have tapered down from 60mg way back then when I was losing sight in my right eye every few hours for 2 weeks to 1mg every 4 days over the last month or so.
Over the last 2 weeks I have had variously... a lot of general tiredness; some low to high and general feeling of dizziness; a bizarre and one-off fainting incident; itchy legs (tired/dead legs going to sleep); arthritic feeling hands; pins and needles in left arm sleeping (waking up); daily diarrhoea which has been exacerbating bad and unusual abdomen pain over the last 7 days; some wake up jaw stiffness and some streaming eye in the am.
In time-honoured words - is this normal (coming off steroids?)? I have been to the doctor who is running blood tests and am contacting my excellent rheumatologist today with the above news!
I do suspect this is the next stage in what has been a very long road! Thanks for any thoughts/shared experiences.